通訳翻訳ジャーナル 2008秋


Past Videos and Audio

PROJECT Tokyo 2010 Videos
September 11, 2010
Common Password: malplaquet

1. Emily Shibata-Sato
2. Tak Osato
3. Richard Walker
Taming the Dragon: A Practical Guide to Voice Recognition and Translator Productivity
4. An Youhee
5. Joji Matsuo
6. Charles Aschmann
What to Look for in Translation Memory Software
[VIDEO] Part 1
[VIDEO] Part 2
[VIDEO] Part 3
7. ディニー・ユウノ
[VIDEO] Part 1
[VIDEO] Part 2
8. Ryan Ginstrom
Felix Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) System
[VIDEO] Part 1
[VIDEO] Part 2


J-E Translation of IR Materials
Jeff Loucks
April 12, 2008 (IJET-19)
Password: jeffloucks

Interpreting Performance
Sophie Natsusato, Katie Watanabe, Jolie Kawazoe, Manako Ihaya
July 12, 2008
Password: interpret0712

What Translators Should Know About Internationalization & Localization
Chris Pearce
July 5, 2008 (JAT Kansai Meeting)
Password: pearce0705

July 5, 2008 (JAT Kansai Meeting)
Password: fujimura0705

Healthcare Interpreting
Dr. Takayuki Oshimi
June 21, 2008
Password: oshimi0621

Introducing Langwidget
Jed Schmidt
April 12, 2008 (IJET-19)
Password: ijet19schmidt
(If you want a deeper and more up-to-date look at Langwidget, check out this online product tour, courtesy of none other than Jed Schmidt himself: [AUDIO]
Password: ijet19araki

Translation Workshop
Fred Uleman
April 13, 2008 (IJET-19)
Password: freduleman

Post-IJET19 Meeting
Mayumi Toyota, Phil Robertson, Toby Rushbrook, Yukihiro Sato, and Ben Davis
May 17, 2008
Password: ijet19

April 12, 2008 (IJET-19)
Password: ijet19hirata

April 12, 2008 (IJET-19)
Password: ijet19takeda

April 13, 2008 (IJET-19)
Password: tomiiatsushi

Raising Productivity with Speech Recognition
Chris Blakeslee
April 12, 2008 (IJET-19)
Password: chrisblakeslee

Tezuka Osamu, Astro Boy, and the Roots of Modern Manga and Anime
Frederick Schodt
March 22, 2008
Password: schodt080322

Japanese/English Business Correspondence & Pre-IJET Networking
Moderators: Lisa Hew and Kiyoko Sagane
March 15, 2008
Password: saganehew0315

Fun and Useful Productivity Tips and Tools
Andrew Shuttleworth
January 26, 2008
Password: shuttleworth0126

Patent Translation Workshop
Yusaku Yai
February 26, 2008
Password: yai0216

Literary Translation
Juliet Carpenter
December 8, 2007
Password: carpenter1208

Taxation Seminar
Masaru Sato (JAT accountant)
November 10, 2007
Password: sato1110


5th Contest JE


5th Contest EJ


IJET19 Recap: J-E Translation of IR Materials by Jeff Loucks

For the next in our release of full videos of several presentations from IJET-19, we're pleased to continue the series with the following presentation from Jeff Loucks:

Title: J-E Translation of IR Materials
Speaker: Jeff Loucks

This presentation looks at how listed Japanese companies communicate with overseas investors in English and shows how an aspiring J-E translator can enter the investor relations field. We will look at a typical annual schedule of investor communications, focusing on what publications are provided in English and why. Finally, the presentation will describe some useful translator skills and background characteristics and look at ways of developing these skills.


(Note that these videos are available for members only. The password required to view the videos can be found on the JAT mailing list.)


ILC Special Day



通訳翻訳ジャーナル 2008秋

日本翻訳者協会と通訳翻訳ジャーナルの「~英語翻訳のプロたちが綴る~後進への招待状」連載企画ですが、2008年秋号(本日発売)にはDavid Petersenさんが「Source Language Versus Target Language Bias in Translation」という記事を寄稿しました。




そして10年後 アポロ、パソコン、インターネット…Googleへ

This article by 佐藤綾子(Emily Shibata-Sato) originally appeared in the May 2008 issue of the Tsuyaku-Honyaku Journal. Reprinted with permission.

約10年前の1999年、本誌の「Translation World」シリーズで「人生の転機はアポロ、パソコン、インターネット」と題して次のような内容のエッセイを書かせて頂きました。






Google という言葉が前述のHonyakuに初めて登場したのは、99年1月19日、”Yakkers [=Honyaku subscriber] in search of authenticity may like to check out a new search engine: http://www.google.com/ “ という書き込みです。 同年9月7日には ““It's[Google is] more up to date than AltaVista, and if you search for two terms, it gives you context for both.” とあります。当時の検索エンジンでは1つの単語からしか検索できないのが普通でした。さらに12月2日には、「”my apology” と “my apologies”のちがいは? 」という議論が続くなか、「Google検索したら、前者が2,859件、後者が3,538件ヒットした」と報告されていました。今ためしに両方をGoogle検索=「ググって」みましたら、それぞれ約59万件と410万件ヒットしました。いったい情報は何倍に「爆発」したのでしょうか。

上記3件のメールは、1995年以降のメール約22万件が保存されており、今も更新され続けているHonyaku Archive http://honyaku-archive.org/から発掘しました。


私は、2004年からJAT新人翻訳者コンテストに関わっており、最近の第4回コンテストでは審査員の一人を務めました。今回、審査にあたって一番感じたのは、せっかくGoogleという便利な道具があるのだから、応募者はもう少し背景情報を調べたり、自分の訳文をチェックしたりすればよかったのに、ということです。英日部門の課題文 ”Protect The Merger Or Sale Value Of Your Business: What You Can Learn From The DaimlerChrysler Debacle” (約900 words)から2つ例を挙げます。

原文1 When Daimler purchased Chrysler, Chrysler was having record revenues of 61 billion dollars and net earnings of 2.8 billion dollars.
訳文1-1 ダイムラーがクライスラーを購入した時、クライスラーは610億ドルという記録的な売上高と28億ドルという純利益を打ち出していた。

この訳文には2つ問題があります。第1は「購入」です。DaimlerやChryslerが何だかわからなくても、Googleで 「Daimler Chrysler」、あるいはカタカナの「ダイムラー  クライスラー 」のキーワードでググれば、両社のオフィシャルサイトやWikipediaが上位に表示されます。それらを読んだり、さらにリンクをたどっていったりすれば、これが企業「買収」をめぐる話であるとわかります。

第2は「・・・純利益を打ち出していた」です。このような言い方はあるのだろうかと疑問に思ったら、” 純利益を打ち出していた” と検索語句の前後にダブルクォーテーション(””)をつけてググると、検索語句をそのままの形で含むページを検索できます。検索した結果、この表現は見当たりませんでした(ただしその後、JATのウェブサイトに訳文を掲載したため、今はそれがヒットします)。
訳文1-2 ダイムラーがクライスラーを買収した時期は、クライスラーが売上高610億ドル・純利益28億ドルという記録的な数字を達成していた時期だった。

原文2 Exciting new product lines were eagerly accepted by the market.
訳文2-1 新たな生産品目の積極的な導入を、市場は熱狂をもって受け入れた。
訳文2-2 消費者の興味をそそる新たな製品ラインは購買層の熱烈な歓迎を受けていた。
訳文2-3 斬新な新型車のラインナップは熱狂的にマーケットに受け入れられ、

この文脈での「熱狂」や「熱烈」は、対象がアイドルではないのでちょっと大げさかなという気がしました。では他にどのような言い方ができるでしょうか。表現のバリエーションをGoogleで調べるには、ワイルドカードとしてアスタリク(*) を使います。たとえば ”市場*受け入れられ”などと言葉を組み合わせてググり、検索結果を見ていけば「”eagerly accepted”の意味は、わざわざ”熱烈・熱狂”を加えなくても、“歓迎した・された”に近いかな?」などと判断できます。

2つの検索ワザ” ”と*は、日英翻訳の際にもフル活用できます。その他のGoogle活用術については本誌でもよく特集されていると思いますし、JAT会員の安藤進さんによる「翻訳に役立つ Google表現検索テクニック」(丸善出版事業部、2007)もぜひご覧ください。




JATの設立20周年を記念し、優秀な新人実務翻訳者の発掘と奨励を目的として2004年に始められたコンテストです。応募資格は実務翻訳(放送・映像翻訳も含む)経験3年未満の方で、JAT会員・非会員は問いません。年1回開催され、部門は日英翻訳部門と英日翻訳部門、応募料は無料です。両部門の第1位受賞者は、世界の英日・日英翻訳者が集まって研究発表を行なう国際会議 (IJET:http://jat.org/ijet/)に招待されます。詳しくは http://jat.org/contest/ をご覧ください。すでにこのコンテストからプロデビューを果たした方々もおられます。


佐藤綾子(Emily Shibata-Sato)


Interpreting Performance - 12 July 08 TAC


Thoughts and tips on becoming a patent translator ~特許翻訳への道 成功するために~

This article by James Phillips originally appeared in the February 2008 issue of the Tsuyaku-Honyaku Journal. Reprinted with permission.

People that are considering a career in patent translation often seem to have exactly the same questions. In this article I will attempt to answer those questions, give some hints as to how you can study for free, and give some useful advice regarding how to get work once qualified.

The following is a list of questions I am asked most often.

1) Is there a demand for patent translators?
2) Do you think I would make a good patent translator?
3) What is the best way to become a patent translator?
4) Can I really study for free?
5) Should I work in-house, or freelance?
6) How can I get freelance work?

1. Is there a demand for patent translators?

This question is easy to answer. Yes, there is always a demand for GOOD patent translators. A good translator will usually have the following:

a) An excellent understanding of the source and target languages.
b) A detailed knowledge of the subject being translated.
c) Specialist knowledge relating to how to translate patent specifications.
d) A meticulous approach with regards to quality and deadlines.

If you already have a) and b) then you have an excellent chance of achieving your objectives as c) and d) can be picked up with relative ease (at least compared to a) and b)!). Having a specialist subject that you know inside-out is an enormous advantage. It will make the task of translating much more straightforward and it will also be much easier to sell yourself as a translator. The translation work itself will also be more interesting for you because if you have an in-depth knowledge of the subject it is probably something you like (hopefully!). If you do not have any kind of specialization then it will be more difficult to sell yourself to potential customers and the fees you can command are likely to be lower than a specialist. However, if there is a subject you have a strong interest in that you feel you can pick-up with relative ease, then maybe it will be possible to turn that subject into your specialization.

2. Do you think I would make a good patent translator?

All good translators have one thing in common: a willingness to ask questions and to never stop learning. If you have a willingness to learn and preferably some kind of specialist subject then there is every chance that you will be able to become a successful patent translator. You should be aware though that this will require a relatively sustained amount of effort over a reasonable period of time. Like most skills worth having, it is not the kind of skill you can pick up overnight.

3. What is the best way to become a patent translator?

I obviously have a vested interest in this subject as I provide courses in patent translation via my site at horsefrog.com and there is a bewildering array of courses offered by a wide range of translation schools. However, such courses will often serve merely as a springboard for entry into the business, but what approach should then be taken to gaining the right kind of experience that will help you to become a high-quality patent translator? The most common route is to join a patent office or the patent department of a company as a junior translator. When choosing such a job, take care to be sure that you will be tutored in an effective manner by the staff of the company. The level of expertise offered by a patent office or company patent department will often be higher than that offered by a translation agency but you may find that entry is more difficult as a result so a translation agency may also be considered. If, for example, you have already had a career spanning a number of years as an engineer, you may find that you can skip this step altogether and go straight to being a freelancer by making use of your specialty.

4. Can I really study for free?

Yes, self-training is possible to a certain extent. The big advantage with the Internet is that it provides a wealth of information that can be harvested for the purposes of study. For example, it is possible to search the USPTO for a US patent that has a corresponding Japanese patent and then search the JPO for the equivalent Japanese patent. This will often yield two almost identical documents that can then be used for the purposes of studying. You can also get documents in the exact field you wish to study by searching in a manner corresponding to this field. Detailed instructions of how to do this are provided on the horsefrog.com site. We also run free online patent translation workshops on the horsefrog site once a month where you can have a short translation evaluated for free and we provide free translator level evaluations. Free glossaries and a forum are also provided. The JPO, USPTO, and WIPO sites themselves are also excellent free sources of information regarding patents and how they should be written.

One suggestion I would have if you are studying by yourself though is to be very careful not to study simply by memorizing sentences. A much better approach is to read the document you are intending to translate very carefully, gain a full understanding of the invention first, then translate the document in the manner that you yourself would actually have written the document had you actually been the author. Finally, compare your translation to the actual original document. This will give your translations a much more natural feeling than attempting to translate a document word for word. Joining a translation organization such as JTF or JAT will also enable you to share your experiences with others in the same situation and pick up a great deal of useful information that would otherwise be extremely difficult to acquire. The more enthusiastic amongst you may consider attending the upcoming IJET-19 conference to be held at a beautiful location in Okinawa on April 12th/13th. This will be a particularly valuable opportunity for those new to translation to pick up lots of useful information and will include several presentations on the subject of patent translation.

5. Should I work in-house, or freelance?

This really very much depends on the kind of person you are. If you are a social person that likes to be around other people all the time then you are probably more suited to working in-house. If, on the other hand, you put great value on independence, would love the freedom to make your own schedule as you please and don’t at all mind being by yourself a lot, then freelancing may well seem like heaven to you.

6. How can I get freelance work once I feel I am ready to become a patent translator?

There are many ways to get work once you feel you are equipped to complete the work effectively. There is, of course, the traditional approach of applying for jobs through the various media. However, a more proactive approach is likely to meet with much more success. For example, make a list of the companies that you would most like to work for (companies that most closely match your field of specialty, for example). Then find some material by the company of your choice (for example, a short section of a patent belonging to that company). Translate the material and send it to the company concerned, together with a letter explaining who you are, what you do, and why you would like to work for that particular company. This approach is much more likely to meet with success and is widely considered by people in the translation business to be the most effective. It naturally involves more effort than the more traditional approaches, but the company can see the quality of your work immediately and is likely to be more interested in somebody who has shown such an obvious interest in their company rather than somebody who has simply sent hundreds of general-looking resumes to lots of different companies.

I hope you have found the content of this article of use. If you have any further questions please feel free to either post them on the horsefrog site or send them to me directly at [email protected]. I always go to great lengths to answer any questions I receive as soon as possible. In the meantime, good luck to anybody who is considering becoming a patent translator. Maybe I will see you in sunny Okinawa!








  • 主催: 特定非営利活動法人 日本翻訳者協会(JAT)
  • 目的: 優秀な新人実務翻訳者の発掘と奨励
  • 応募資格: 実務翻訳(放送・映像翻訳も含む)経験3年未満の方(JAT会員・非会員は問いません。過去のコンテストに応募した方も入賞者以外は応募可とします。)
  • 応募部門: 日英翻訳部門、英日翻訳部門
  • 応募料: なし
  • 各賞:
    第1位   日英・英日の各部門1名
    第2位   日英・英日の各部門1名


  • 英日部門: 佐藤綾子、石原ゆかり、千桝靖
  • 日英部門: マルコム・ジェームス、ケン・ワグナー、リー・シーマン


  • 2008年9月1日 JATウェブサイトに日英・英日両部門の課題文を掲載
  • 2008年9月28日 24:00(日本時間) 訳文提出締切 
  • 2008年11月23日 最終候補作5件をウェブサイトで発表
  • 2008年12月25日 JATウェブサイトにて受賞者の発表(受賞者には直接連絡)
  • 2009年2月14日 受賞者をIJET-20に招待






JAT新人翻訳コンテスト 応募フォーム

  • 応募者は、上記の応募フォームを記入し、訳文を添付して送信してください。ファイル形式はMS Wordファイルまたはテキストファイルのみとします。
  • 訳文ファイルには応募者の名前やコメントなどを書かないでください(つまり訳文のみ)。
  • 訳文のファイル名は次のようにしてください(ファイル名は必ず半角英数で記入してください)。

CONTEST J your name (例: CONTEST J Roger Federer)

  • 提出後、こちらから確認のためのメールを返送します。hotmail などの無料のWebメール(フリーメール)をお使いの場合、メールが届かないことがありますのでご注意ください(迷惑メールフォルダをご確認ください)。
  • 応募はお一人1部門につき1回に限ります(応募期間中、一人で2回以上応募することは認められません)。


  • 提出された翻訳文はJATの所有となり、応募者には返却されません。
  • 翻訳文の著作権はすべて主催者であるJATに帰属します。

  • JATは、受賞者の名前、受賞対象の翻訳文、写真や画像、参考情報をJATのウェブサイト、メーリングリスト、電子・印刷出版物等に掲載するすべての権利を有します。


  • 出題者の作成する審査基準に則って、審査会が第一次審査、第二次審査と最終審査を行います。最終審査に残った5件の候補作については、2008年11月23日にID番号と訳文がJATウェブサイトで公開されます。
  • 審査員の決定は最終的なものとします。結果についての問い合わせや異議申し立てはできませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。



  • 居住地からIJET開催地までの往復航空券(エコノミークラス、最短ルート)
  • 鉄道運賃(グリーン車、一等車、寝台車は除く)

  • 自家用車を使用する場合は、移動に要したガソリン代および駐車料金
  • IJETの開催地またはその最寄りのホテルの宿泊代(3泊分、スタンダードルーム)

  • 支払いのためには領収書が必要となります。
  • 詳細については、受賞者と個別に相談の上、決定します。



  • 申請不備(応募フォームの記入事項もれ、ファイルの名称が間違っているなど)
  • 提出期限後の提出

  • 他人の名前によって応募した、または応募者以外の人が翻訳したことが判明した場合
  • 記載事項に虚偽の記入をした場合、またその他の不正があった場合

お問い合わせは [email protected] にお願いします。


通訳パフォーマンス_レクチャー原稿_Short Version






日通訳パフォーマンス_レクチャー原稿_Complete Version




Takayuki Oshimi - 21 June 08 TAC


Kiyoshi Fujimura - 5 July 08 Kansai Meeting


Chris Pearce - 5 July 08 Kansai Meeting


Healthcare Interpreting Handout
