
Drafting Work Rules in Plain Legal English

著者:倉田哲郎、ローソン・キャロル (JAT LAW)


本書は、日本の国内法に準拠した、簡潔でわかりやすい英語表現による英文就業規則の作り方について、そのポイントと留意点をPlain Legal Englishという語法に基づき、解説しています。


Plain Legal Englishについては、独立したパートを設け、その基礎から詳しく解説しているので、英文就業規則だけではなく、一般的な法律英語の起案にも役に立つ内容です。

Written by: Tetsuro Kurata & Carol Lawson

Published by: Nihon Horei

This book is the fruit of a five-year collaboration between a lawyer-linguist and JAT member experienced in translating work rules and a veteran Japanese Labor and Social Security Attorney. It is the first manual on preparing bilingual work rules that both comply with Japanese labor law and use English that is easy for all users to understand. Work rules are the company rules commonly found in an Employee Handbook in English-speaking countries.

Highlights include a chapter on the benefits of using plain legal English generally, and two highly-useful glossaries: a glossary of the Japanese-English labor terms used in the book, and a plain legal English glossary that ‘translates’ stuffy, wordy legal jargon into clear modern usage.

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