

翻訳者 通訳者


English, Japanese


English, Japanese


Contract, Law, Accounting, Brand Marketing


Kyoto University:Bachelor Cornell Law School:LL.M.(Master of Law) For 32 years, having been working for Toshiba, during which being charged with American business operations for c. 10 years, with European operations for c.10 years and with Asian operations for c.10 years. Having drafted business related documents in English, including various kinds of agreements (including Joint Venture agreement, Business Collaboration agreement, Development agreement, License agreement, Technology Transfer agreement, Purchase-Sale agreement, Entrustment agreement, Agency agreement, Sub-contracting agreement, NDA, Shareholders agreement), negotiating with counterparts based on drafts and modifying them at face to face meetings based on the discussion until the final version of the agreement. With respect to the 6C DVD patent pool activity acted as representative of 6C group, negotiating with potential DVD hardware/software licensees, modifying the result of negotiations and conclusion. For the last 4 years of working Toshiba’s subsidiary, Toshiba Logistic Company, drafted shipping agreement with the American shipping company which was a subsidiary of European company and made it final version of the agreement through the negotiation. Having a chance of being a deponent in a lawsuit and based on the piled-up experience for drafting English agreement, now working for translation from Japanese to English and English to Japanese IT related documents including above said agreements and others such as The Code of Conduct, Administration Rules for Information Systems, Rules on the Protection of Personal Information, Privacy Policy, Warehousing & Storage agreement and so on. 32年間、大手電気メーカーにおいて、約10年間米国、約10年間欧州、約10年間アジアを担当。その間、国際事業に関わるビジネス関連文書、各種契約書を自ら作成し、相手と契約交渉をし、交渉結果の合意内容を、その場で英文を修正して締結までこぎつける、などの活動を、法務グループや企画部などで行ってきました。DVDのパテントプール包括ライセンス活動では代表を勤めました。 物流会社においては、欧州・米国船会社との傭船契約を作成・交渉・締結までを受け持ち、更に訴訟関連文書を取り扱い、社内の訴訟管理を担当。その中で米国にて宣誓供述者として証言録取(Deposition)にも出席しました。 海外の法律の和訳、日本の判例の英訳のほか、ITメーカー関連の契約書各種(合弁契約、業務提携契約、開発契約、ライセンス契約、技術導入契約、売買契約、業務委託契約、代理店契約、下請け契約、秘密保持契約、株主間契約)ビジネス書類、行動規範、情報システム管理規定、個人情報管理規定、Privacy Policy、クレジット会社関連契約、治験契約、その他、法律関連の文書一般の翻訳を主に行っています。