

翻訳者 通訳者


English, Japanese


English, Japanese



Energy & environment (nuclear power, mineral resources), semiconductor lithography equipment, space development & utilization, and many more


  • 千葉大学工学部画像工学科卒(専門はリモートセンシング) 
  • 米サンディエゴの衛星受信解析システムメーカーで顧客サポートエンジニアとして4年間勤務 
  • 国際宇宙ステーションの運用利用を支援する茨城県の企業でエンジニアとして6年間勤務
  • 2008年より科学技術に関する日英・英日翻訳に従事
  • 日本翻訳連盟(JTF)ほんやく検定1級取得(科学技術、日英、2009年)
  • 日本規格協会 翻訳者評価登録センター(RCCT)の翻訳者資格"Advanced Professional Translator (APT)"を取得(工業・科学技術、日英、2018年) 


  • Graduated with a B.A. in Image Science (Remote Sensing), Dept. of Engineering, from Chiba University
  • Worked for 4 years as a full-time customer support engineer at a San Diego-based manufacturer of satellite data reception and analysis systems
  • Worked for 6 years as a full-time engineer at an Ibaraki-based company supporting operations and experiments in/on the International Space Station
  • Have been engaged in J>E and E>J translation services focusing on scientific and technical matters since 2008
  • Certified by JTF* as the 1st level of Japanese to English translator in the field of Science & Technology in 2009. (*JTF = the Japan Translation Federation authorized by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
  • Certified as an Advanced Professional Translator (APT) in the field of Industry and Science Technology in 2018 by the Registration Center of Certificated Translators (RCCT) in accordance with ISO 17100 and RCCT TR01 "Requirements and Procedures for Translators".