



English, Japanese


English, Japanese


藤井 秀昌 - 産業翻訳者 、全国通訳案内士、IT、金融。

IT、通信、半導体、ネットワーク、情報セキュリティ、金融経済ニュース、Apple、Linux、Windows、5G、DX、動画字幕、MMO ゲーム プラットフォーム/ユーザーインターフェイス、ERP、SAP、サーバ/ワークステーション、PCIDSS、社内規約、設計書、仕様書、製品カタログ、ユーザーズマニュアル、リリースノート、ブラウザアドオン、電子署名、コンテンツデリバリーネットワーク、CDN、仮想環境 、ハイパーバイザー、コンテナ、経済ニュース、仮想通貨、暗号通貨、金融機関、投資家向けニュース

Translator/National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter, IT in-house Interpreter

MMO Game Platform/UI, programmers reference for ERP, SAP, technical support documents for server/workstation hardware, information security, PCIDSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), IT and security-related company regulations, internal rules, office regulations, office routine regulations, requirements and specifications such as requirement definition documents, non-functional requirement documents, infrastructure design documents, database design documents, backup design documents, product catalogs, user's manuals, Linux open source documents, tourism, hotel web site, games, release notes, browser add-ins, e-signature, video streaming platform, information security software, cryptocurrency, virtual machine platform.



Graduated from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). Master of Computer Science. High quality and excellent translations based on broad and deep understandings and knowledge with 10+ years of experience as a computer engineer for infrastructure, operations, in-house support, software/ISP  technical support, and software instructor.

Certification : TOEIC Score 975 (2016), 全国通訳案内士 (National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter), Linux Professional Institute LPIC Level3 303 Security, 304 Virtualization & High Availability, Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)  Windows NT 3.51 Track (Expired), IBM DB2 Engineer, IBM Websphere Adviser, UML based Modeling Technologies Promotion (UMTP) L1, Notes Domino Developer / Administrator, 1級愛玩動物飼養管理士 (Pet Care Adviser Grade 1), 宅地建物取引士 (Real Estate Notary), 日商簿記3級 (Bookkeeping Grade 3), 日商ビジネス実務法務検定3級 (Business Law Grade 3), Oracle Java Silver SE 11 Programmer I (1Z0-815-JPN), 基本情報技術者 (FE), 危険物取扱者乙種3,4,5,6類