Professional Information


Translator Interpreter

Source Language

English, Japanese

Target Language

English, Japanese


Humanities and social sciences(academic books, papers, research reports, symposiums and meeings with emphasis on international relations, labor issues, urban studies, history, arts & crafts, construction, public administration, marketing, communication & media studies and education)

Her most recent translated book; _Karoshi: How Overwork, Stress and Harassment Destroy People_ (Edited by the National Defense Counsel for Victims of Karoshi, Junposha, Nov. 2022) and her most recent book that she helped with research and checking; _ International Politics and the Search for Peace_ (Kosaka Masataka, translated by Carl Freire, Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, published in March 2023.)




Born in San Francisco and brought up in Tokyo. Studied communications at ICU (BA) and Sophia Univ (MA). After working at the Foreign Press Center/Japan (1982-85) , became a freelance translator & consecutive interpreter between English and Japanese, research advisor to foreign scholars in Japan, and publications coordinator in 1985. Taught part-time at Japan Women's University (2000-2008) and Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University (2001-2022).

Joined JAT in May 1985
JAT director: 1986-1987, 1996-2001
JAT auditor: FY2003-06, FY2009-12
JAT Translation Contest Committee member: 2004-

サンフランシスコ生まれ、東京育ち。 ICUと上智大学大学院でコミュニケーションを専攻。 財)フォーリンプレスセンター勤務(1982-85)を経て1985年以来、フリーランスの英日・日英翻訳・逐次通訳、外国人日本研究者の調査研究支援、出版物作成コーディネーター。日本女子大学(2000-2008)・日本獣医生命科学大学(2001-2022)非常勤講師。
