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Translation/Transcreation experience (+10 years) in the following areas:  

Advertising, Advocacy, Architecture, Biodiversity, Brand, Branding, Corporate Compliance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Cultural Studies, E-Commerce, Ecology, Economic Trends, Environment, Ethnicity, Finance, Government, Hospitality, Innovation, International Organization, Investor Relations, Journalism, Logistics, Low Carbon, Management, Marketing, Market Research, Modern Arts, Natural Resources, Politics, Social Science, Sociology, Sustainable Development, Tourism, Transportation, Video Subtitling, Website localization, Women Studies

ビジネス・ファイナンシャル文書、広告・マーケティング資料、各種報告書、ウェブサイト、動画字幕、学術論文等の翻訳業務に10年以上従事。原文のエッセンス、スタイルやトーン、ニュアンスを損なうことなく、正確で無駄のない、わかりやすい日本語に訳出し、社内外のクライアントの期待に応えてきた。専門雑誌での翻訳文掲載の経験もある。社内翻訳者/校正編集者/プルーフリーダーとしてメーカー海外部で勤務後、独立。知的好奇心に満ち溢れた日本語ネイティブ。専門分野以外の興味や関心: 現代建築・アート、美術、イタリア料理、ワイン、モーターサイクル、カヤック、有機ガーデニング


Previously in-house E-J and J-E translator/interpreter/editor/proofreader for a major diesel engine distributor and a global office equipment company. Postgraduate degrees in Contemporary Sociology and Public Administration, with minors in political economy and politics. 


Marketing / Market Research

*Also happy to consider projects in other commercial fields.

 •  Research paper on Neuromarketing

 •  Transcreation and creative adaptation of advertising copy, promotional collateral materials, sales brochures, packages, websites, promo videos and SNS posts for high profile clients, including luxury fashion brands, high jewelry firms, prestigious champagne manufacturer, fine watchmaking manufacturers, high-end and boutique hotels, prestigious cosmetics brands, European luxury car manufacturers, US social networking services, global IT companies, international Credit Card companies, European airline, Asian airlines, US pet food company, Japanese luxury car brands, et al.    

   •  Sports marketing translation of Olympic sponsorship activation programs

   •  TV commercial and promotional video scripts for a prestigious French wine 

   •  Post Campaign analysis conducted by US business news channel on a branding campaign for a global steel company

   •  Promotional brochures, leaflets and websites for potential foreign investors and companies looking to expand globally, prepared by a provincial government in Canada

   •  Market entry research for medical imaging solutions in an emerging country

   •  Demonstration video script for a European leading brand in hand-made  glassware

   •  Market trends for chemical raw materials for the US-based chemical major

   •  Report on Mobile telecommunications investment in emerging markets

   •  Policy approaches for accelerating broadband deployment and adoption in Latin America and the Caribbean

   •  Advertisements, websites and press releases for a global e-commerce company

   •  Press release for a US multinational retail company

   •  Press releases for an engineering company

   •  Website of a US based global investment corporate bank, a French based multinational financial services group and Singapore-based financial institution

   •  Presentations for office equipments

   •  Study report on community transport services in local areas

   •  Articles on international logistics

   •  Reports on international supply chain

   •  Oil price policy in Indonesian government