







ITI certified, ISO 17100:2015 qualified translator, English to Japanese, specialist in law

legal and official documents, medical / pharmaceutical documents, business development and technical marketing materials, market research materials, correspondence


WORK EXPERIENCE 2005 - Present: Part-time and then full-time (from 2008) freelance translator, residing and working in UK, (formerly in US and in Japan) with various translation agencies in UK, EU, US and JP ◆English > Japanese legal and technical translation projects that I have worked on: • Service agreements, partnership agreements and attached documents for various business dealings • Commission agreements, participant releases and attached documents for various media and entertainment business dealings • Publishing agreement letter • Correspondence and attached documents on a voluntary liquidation • Court orders, attached documents and related correspondence in a divorce case • Draft prenuptial agreement • Power of attorney for probate and related correspondence • Terms of use, terms of service and end-user licence agreements for various online services • Newsletters and communications on immigration rules and Brexit from various British law firms to their clients • Corporate policies on data processing and GDPR, code of business conduct, code of ethics, ethical guidelines, anti-bribery guidelines and policies, anti-fraud policies, anti-discrimination policies and anti-slavery policies • Clinical trial protocols and communication around clinical trials • Technical market research and interview materials for various patient studies by pharmaceutical companies • Technical marketing materials on various products, processes and machinery ◆Japanese > English legal and general translation projects: • Death certificates, marriage certificates, domicile registers, resident registers, bank statements and other documents • Audio interviews with Japanese patients and doctors on various medical conditions • Audio interviews in various fields with Japanese citizens and professionals ◆Monolingual and bilingual transcription projects: • Interviews with Japanese patients on their medical conditions (J > E bilingual) • Interviews with Japanese doctors on various medical conditions (J monolingual)