



English, Japanese


English, Japanese


Art, fine art, museums, galleries, exhibitions, art history


[ Click here for an English profile ]

北本 聖月(きたもと みづき)






・第19回JAT新人翻訳者コンテスト(2023発表): 英⇒日部門第1位
・第18回JAT新人翻訳者コンテスト(2022発表): 日⇒英部門ファイナリスト
・TOEIC L&R 990点満点(旧・新形式ともに満点取得)
・TOEIC S&W (S190 / W200)

・約4年半 米国(4年制州立大学卒業。芸術分野グラフィックデザイン専攻・BFA)
・約1ヶ月 イタリア(フィレンツェ)にてアートサマープログラム参加
・計7年程 英会話スクール・英語コーチングスクールで英語指導(一般・こども)

本プロフィールをご覧いただきありがとうございます。大変お手数ですが、 https://lit.link/eigoreate に記載のメールアドレスからお問い合わせください。

English Profile-------------------------------------

Mizuki Kitamoto

A Japanese<>English translator based in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, specializing in the field of fine art. (she/her)

Availability (Last updated on January 20, 2025)
Unavailable for new projects until April 30, 2025. Attending IJET-33 in Fukuoka from May 9 to 11.

* I am currently exclusively pursuing opportunities in the fields of fine art and culture and am not available for any new tasks outside of these domains.
*I do not do MTPE.

- First place winner for the 19th Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators (English-to-Japanese division)
- A finalist for the 18th Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators (Japanese-to-English division)

Translation experiences
Art museums, museums, galleries, and art events (descriptions, audio guide, essays, etc.), sightseeing, manuals, history, marketing materials, user interface, and business documents

CAT Tools: Owns Trados 2021, familiar with Phrase and memoQ
Others: MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint and Adobe Illustrator

Born and raised in Miyagi, Japan, I studied art and received a BFA with an emphasis in Graphic Design at a university in the US. After working as a teacher at English conversation schools in Japan for about 7 years total, I started working as a freelancer.

- Art Certification Test Grade 1 (Art Navigator)
- TOEIC® L&R 990, S190/W200
- The EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency Grade 1
- English Technical Writing Test Grade 1 (Advanced)

Thank you for your interest in my profile. Please find my email addess on the following page: https://lit.link/eigoreate
*For effective communication, please ensure your messages include relevant details about the job, including the content and context of the documents, the volume, and the desired deadline. Messages without sufficient information may not receive a response.

*Kindly note that I am specifically interested in opportunities related to Art. Messages not aligned with my profile in this regard will not receive a response. *Please briefly mention that the offer is related to art or why you were interested in my profile. This is to avoid dealing with scams. Thank you for your understanding!