Mailing Lists
Terms of Use: Introduction
These terms are the official JAT policy with regards to the use of the JAT mailing lists (also see the JAT Bylaws, Section VII). See the FAQ for information on how to access the lists, manage your account, and send and receive email in English and Japanese.
Preface: What are the JAT mailing lists?
The JAT mailing lists are the official mailing lists of the Japan Association of Translators. Only paid-up members are allowed to use these lists.
1. What is the focus of the lists?
JAT-List ([email protected]) is the main mailing list for all JAT members. This list is for the discussion of issues related to translation and interpretation, whether they be about language, technology, trends in the industry, or how to translate 等.
Messages regarding JAT as an organization and matters concerning how JAT is (or should be) run are not suitable for this list. In the past members have complained about such messages, and some have left the mailing list in order to avoid these discussions.
2. What type of mail is appropriate?
Generally, the only restrictions are that your post should pertain to translation between Japanese and English for JAT-list. Please don't cross-post information from other lists or Usenet newsgroups unless it relates directly to discussion on the list. Since the list is concerned with the use of language, we sometimes do discuss crude language, but we still try to be polite about it.
We can discuss anything on the mailing lists as long as what is said is "true and fair". For example, we can say that Company XXX has not paid up promptly in the past, but not that Company XXX is the worst payer in existence.
2.1. Agency enquiries (JAT-list)
When requesting an agency check please give as many details as possible. There are two basic reasons for this:
- It will avoid possible confusion. There are a lot of agencies out there with the same or very similar sounding names.
- One agency could get a bad name and start up business under a new name. It has happened in the past. In this case knowing the address, telephone number, person in charge, etc may give us a hint.
And remember, when replying keep your comments fair and true. It is safest to stick to what you know first-hand and can back up with evidence. Someone who works for the agency in question may be on this list.
2.2. Use your full name
Contributors must include their full name, as registered with JAT, at the end of each post.
3. What type of mail is inappropriate?
3.1. Mail from companies:
Since these lists are for JAT members and only individuals can join JAT, even if you happen to be an employee of, for example, a translation company, please post in your name, not the company's name.
3.2 Personal attacks:
Discussion is welcome. Lively discussion can certainly be healthy but make certain that these discussions do not get personal. You can criticize a point of view all you like but do not turn this into an attack on the sender. If you wish to continue this kind of dialogue, please do it off-line.
3.3. Only members may post.
Many members share computers with work associates, spouses, family members. However, only JAT members may post to these lists.
3.4. Anything covered in Section VII of the JAT Bylaws.
4. Who is responsible for content?
This list is not "moderated" in that a post is ordinarily not screened before it is distributed to list members. Moderators do read the mail after it has been distributed; however, even they are not responsible for the content of a post.
As for responsibility for any defamatory comment (if it ever comes up), it lies with the person who made that comment *as long as the JAT-list Administrator has informed all subscribers to make comments which are true and fair*. As long as the JAT-list Administrator makes this point clear to all concerned, it will be considered that the JAT-list Administrator has taken *reasonable care* in ensuring that no defamation arises. Members are reminded of their responsibility in the footer at the bottom of each post.
5. Mailing list rules
All JAT lists are covered by JAT mail policy as stated in the bylaws and these terms of use.
Offenders will lose mailing privileges according to the following schedule:
First offense: 2 days to one week
Second offense: one week to one month
A third offense will bring an automatic review of the person's membership standing by the board.
Concerning the above
The severity of the penalty will be at the discretion of the the list administrator.
Obviously the timing of offenses is crucial. Although a second offense that occurs within days or weeks of a first offense will certainly incur a more severe penalty, a second offense 5 years after the first offense would not. Again this decision is at the discretion of the list administrator.
Please send all correspondence regarding these Terms of Use to the Webmaster.