Past Events
- Productivity Tools and IJET-18 review
July 2007, in Tokyo - Pre-IJET Networking - "Selling Yourself" Workshop and President's Reception
May 2007, in Tokyo - J to E Patent Translation - よりよい日英特許翻訳のために
April 2007, in Tokyo - Translation Tools
March 2007, in Tokyo - 日本の構造改革を考える
February 2007, in Tokyo - 「富井式英文データ収集・分類・収納方式」(通称「トミイ方式」)
January 2007, in Tokyo - JAT December Meeting & Bonenkai
December 2006, in Tokyo - Translation Industry Survey by Japan Translation Federation
November 2006, in Tokyo - Japanese to English translation workshop
October 2006, in Tokyo - 翻訳業務 for 特許
September 2006, in Tokyo - JAT Summer Party
August 2006, in Tokyo - Post-IJET Wrap-up & Special Seminar
July 2006, in Tokyo - President's reception - IJET overview and pre-IJET networking
May 2006, in Tokyo - JAT's Annual General Meeting (AGM)
May 2006, in Kobe - 無生物主語構文「こと」を主語にした構文
April 2006, in Tokyo - 通訳ワークショップ
March 2006, in Tokyo - Mixing Translation with Writing
February 2006, in Tokyo - Protecting Data - Yours, and your Customers'
January 2006, in Tokyo - JAT 東京 忘年会
December 2005, in Tokyo - Translation Needs of NGO/NPOs
December 2005, in Tokyo - What is it? How does it work? What can it do for you?
November 2005, in Tokyo - Translating Business Terms
October 2005, in Tokyo - フリーランス翻訳者の営業と業務管理 - 翻訳学校や本では学べないノウハウ
September 2005, in Tokyo - End of Summer Bash
August 2005, in Tokyo - A Workshop on Legal Writing for the Translator: Keeping it Plain and Simple.
July 2005, in Tokyo - ランク上を目指す翻訳ノウハウ - 翻訳上の工夫と営業上の工夫
June 2005, in Tokyo - Post-IJET Report
June 2005, in Tokyo - 第三回沖縄翻訳セミナー
June 2005, in Okinawa - Video Script Translation and Narration
June 2005, in Osaka - President's Luncheon/Pre-IJET Get-to-know
May 2005, in Tokyo - 4th International Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium
May 2005, in Maastricht - 英語の語順に沿った和訳
April 2005, in Tokyo - Isolation and Stress: A Look at Mental Health Issues for Translators
March 2005, in Tokyo - Round-table/Panel Discussion
February 2005, in Tokyo - Native American in the Land of the Shogun: Ronald MacDonald and the Opening of Japan
January 2005, in Tokyo - 新刊本『特許の英語表現・文例集』にまつわる、いろいろな話 - きっかけから共著者の人選、執筆・作成、満足感、反響まで
December 2004, in Tokyo - Challenges facing the UN
November 2004, in Tokyo - 英語翻訳者養成セミナー Okinawa English Translation Seminar
November 2004, in Okinawa - The E-Myth Translator: Re-exploring the Concept of the Freelance Business
October 2004, in Tokyo - JAT Round-table Discussion: Challenges for Freelance Translators
September 2004, in Tokyo - An Introduction to Plain Legal English: Making sense of the nonsense
August 2004, in Tokyo - JAT Presentations
July 2004, in Tokyo - Interpreter Training Beginners' Workshop
June 2004, in Tokyo - Kansai Post-IJET Round-up
June 2004, in Kobe - JATミーティング東京
March 2004, in Tokyo - JAT東京地域新年会
February 2004, in Tokyo - JATミーティング東京
February 2004, in Tokyo - 日本通訳学会通訳教育分科会
January 2004, in Tokyo - Honyaku Cascadia ShinNenKai, Bellevue, WA
January 2004, in Bellevue - Ohio Honyaku Get-Together
January 2004, in Columbus - JAT 忘年会
December 2003, in Tokyo - 翻訳の生産性に関する座談会
December 2003, in Tokyo - JAT関西忘年会
December 2003, in Osaka - 日本通訳学会 第11回例会
October 2003, in Tokyo - 弟13回JTF翻訳祭
October 2003, in Tokyo - Ohio Honyaku Get-Together
October 2003, in Columbus - Edward Seidensticker: My Kind of Translation
September 2003, in Tokyo - 本年度第4回『JTF 翻訳環境研究会』
September 2003, in Tokyo - Bi-Annual Conference of the International Association for Machine Translation
September 2003, in New Orleans - 日本通訳学会弟4回年次大会の案内
September 2003, in Kobe - アジア辞書学会
August 2003, in Tokyo - Oregon Translators Picnic
August 2003, in Portland - 関西支部弟3回例会
August 2003, in Osaka - 日本通訳学会会合
July 2003, in Tokyo - 和英技術翻訳
July 2003, in Tokyo - 英和技術翻訳
July 2003, in Tokyo - Kobe Party
July 2003, in Kobe - アメリカにおける翻訳ビジネス
May 2003, in Tokyo - Becoming a translator and translation market in Japan
March 2003, in Tokyo - About Mac OS and Windows
February 2003, in Tokyo - Lessons from the Seven Dwarfs
January 2003, in Tokyo - 表現のバリエーション、変化と統一
December 2002, in Tokyo - Two years before the steering column
December 2002, in Osaka - 実務翻訳におけるMTの活用 佐藤幸浩、安東義郎、伊藤悦雄、山本未央
November 2002, in Tokyo - Biotech Translation for Dummies
October 2002, in Tokyo - 通訳の訓練
October 2002, in Tokyo - ATA Accreditation
October 2002, in Osaka - Publishing A Specialized Industry Newsletter
September 2002, in Tokyo - フリーの翻訳者として生きのびるための知恵と工夫
July 2002, in Tokyo - 役に立つかも知れない日本語の話
June 2002, in Tokyo - How to get new clients and how to keep them
June 2002, in Kyoto - Finance/Securities Translation
April 2002, in Tokyo - The "Free" in Freelance
April 2002, in Osaka - Simul Academy Course
February 2002, in Tokyo - Translation Memories
January 2002, in Osaka - Making the Transition from Manager to Freelance Translator / Interpreter
November 2001, in Osaka - The Loneliness of the Long Distance Translator
July 2001, in Osaka - Patent Translation from the Freelance Translator - Businessman Perspective
May 2001, in Osaka - The Un-Uniqueness of Japanese
April 2001, in Osaka - 1999 Meetings
December 1999, in Tokyo - 1998 Meetings
December 1998, in Tokyo