Professional Information



Source Language


Target Language



Legal documents, including contracts, articles of incorporation, and reports related to accounting and finance.



Born in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture in 1971. Graduated from Aichi Prefectural University. After working as a full-time employee at a major hotel in Aichi Prefecture, I resigned and then attended an interpreting school in Nagoya for a total of 10 years while engaging in trade-related work.

From 2006 to 2010, I worked as an in-house interpreter and translator at an automotive parts manufacturer. After giving birth to my child, I switched to working from home in 2011.

In 2015, I participated in a translation audition for publication and was responsible for translating the book "You Too Can Be a Psychologist! 50 Essential Keywords" ("Freudian Slips" written by Joel Levy, published by Discover 21, 2015).

Currently, I mainly handle English-to-Japanese and Japanese-to-English translations of various company-related documents, such as contracts and articles of incorporation, as well as reports related to accounting and finance. I strive to write translations that are faithful to the original text, avoiding overly literal translations and ensuring that the readers do not feel burdened.

Other translated works include "Artificial Intelligence Graphic Guide" ("Introducing Artificial Intelligence: A Graphic Guide" by Henry Brighton, Newton Press, 2019) and "A CURIOUS HISTORY: The Encyclopedia of Mathematics" ("A Curious History of Mathematics" by Joel Levy, Newton Press, 2020).




現在は主に契約書・定款などの法律文書の他、会計・財務関係の報告書など、会社関連書類全般の英日・日英翻訳を手掛けています。原文に忠実かつ直訳になり過ぎず読み手に負担をかけない訳文を書くことを心掛けています。その他の訳書に『人工知能グラフィックガイド』(ニュートンプレス、2019)、A CURIOUS HISTORY 数学大百科(ニュートンプレス、2020)