Apr 19, 2015
5:30 am - 8:30 am

Announcing TRAC’s first regular meeting for 2015. This time around, Daniel MacLeith will be in town to discuss two issues that impact all translators: data tracking and TMs.

Part I – The Devil is in the Data
What’s a good rate? How much do I need to work? How much is my time really worth? In this presentation, our speaker Daniel MacLeith will answer these questions and more as he uncovers types and applications of data useful to freelance translators. His presentation will include thoughts on determining rates (rates of speed, character/word conversion rates, true hourly and per-character rates (vs. the rates charged to clients)), tracking non-billable hours and incorporating them into those rates, pitfalls of lacking or misapplying data, and dealing with fluctuating workloads and income. Daniel will demonstrate what data he tracks and how he tracks it, and illustrate how solid data tracking can help freelance translators carve out lives that match their values, and later check periodically to make sure they're still living the lives they worked hard to carve out.

Part II - To TM or Not to TM?
That is the perennial question. This session will feature a conversation on the decision to use (or not to use) translation memory software. Daniel, who has not used TM software in his six years as a professional translator, recently set aside one week to try different TM software. He will share the results with the audience, as well as his reasons for not using TM software in the past. Doug Durgee is a longtime user of one program, but has begun using other software over the past year. He will share the benefits of using TM software and the process of deciding to take the Trados plunge.

Speaker profiles:
Daniel MacLeith is an ATA-certified Japanese-English translator who began translating professionally during six years in Major League Baseball as a scout, writer and interpreter. He balances a mix of general business, tourism, legal and sports translation while doing project management as well as coordinating and developing interpreting business for Translation Business Systems Japan (TBSJ). He enjoys keeping honeybees and seeing beautiful nature with his wife in and around Okayama.

Doug Durgee is a Japanese-English translator of six years based in Sendai and the chair of TRAC. He work mostly consists of automotive and development aid projects.

Presentations will be given in English, but presentation slides and handouts will be in Japanese.

There will be basic refreshments available at the event and a networking dinner afterward. Space is limited, so please RSVP for the event and networking dinner by April 15 at TRAC.

As always, non-members and those living outside the Tohoku area are also highly encouraged to come and participate. We look forward to seeing you there!

Date: Saturday, April 18, 2015
Time: 13:30-16:30
Place: Net U (AER Building 6F), Seminar Room No. 1
Capacity: 20
Cost: JAT members 1,500 yen; non-members 2,500 yen
Networking dinner: From 17:00 (Please RSVP by April 15th)