We are gradually working through the process of uploading the videos that we recorded at IJET in Sendai. These are the sessions that are available so far.
Yuno Dinnie, あなたの腱鞘炎・腰痛・肩こり対策は間違っていませんか?〜長く続けられる仕事のやり方を考える〜
Chiharu Hirabayashi, 特許業界ホットトピック(外内特許出願&英和特許翻訳を中心に)
Paul Koehler & Kaori Myatt, What is a CAT tool and how to use it?
Nobuyoshi Hiramatsu, 日本における医薬品開発・承認のプロセスー良い薬を一刻も早く患者さんの手元にー
Bill Lise, Deposition Interpreting for US Civil Litigation
Kaori Myatt, memoQアドバンスユーザーのためのトリック講座
Sarajean Rossitto, Bridging Japanese nonprofits to the world
Eric Selland, The Double-Bind of Literary Translation
James Split, US Patent Claim Drafting: Skills and Pitfalls - from an Examiners Perspective
Rick Weisburd, Research manuscript writing habits of Japanese authors
Jun Yamada, Why are we doing this? - Renewable energy venture in Fukushima
Daisuke Yanase, Topic versus Subject: Handle of an Idea
Sally Young, Jeff King (WIPO): Evaluating Patent Translation