Dec 7, 2014
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Date: 6 December 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 6 - 9 p.m. (Preceded by a talk and workshop by Juliet Winters Carpenter nearby.)
Venue: Gonbei (権兵衛), Umekita (梅北店) Branch, Umeda, Osaka
Tel: 06-6372-6566
Address: 大阪府大阪市北区芝田2-3-23 メイプル芝田B1 (5 minutes' walk from Umeda Sta./JR Osaka Sta.; just north of Yodobashi Camera)
Cost: 5,000 yen (including course meal and 2.5 hours all-you-can-drink)
Reservations: Thursday December 4 to KAT

(Note: Participants who cancel after December 4 or do not show up on the day may be required to pay.)