Jun 24, 2017
All day
National Olympics Memorial Youth Center

NEW: eProgram now available for download.

JAT will hold its 2017 Un-Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) on Saturday, June 24, 2017 in Tokyo. Typically, our OGM is a 45-minute session at IJET, but this year’s OGM will be different. It will be an all-day event featuring a keynote presentation on quality control by Terry Saito, a networking session, and a keynote panel discussion on machine translation and its effects on the translation industry. The meeting will end with the actual OGM, where JAT members will congregate to conduct necessary JAT business and welcome the incoming JAT Board.

When: Saturday, June 24, 2017 from 9:30 to 16:30 followed by a reception from 17:30 to 19:30
Where: International Conference Room, International Exchange Building, National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, 3-1 Yoyogi Kamizono-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0052
JAT members: 3000 yen (3500 yen after May 22)
Non-JAT members: 4000 yen (4500 yen after May 22)
Bento and tea: 1000 yen
Reception: 3500 yen

Register via the following Eventbrite form:

Program (times subject to change)
9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 9:45 Opening remarks
9:45 - 11:30 私の翻訳チェック - Keynote Speech in Japanese by Terry Saito
11:45 - 13:00 Networking/Lunch
13:15 - 15:15 Is there an elephant in translation? - Keynote panel discussion in Japanese and English
15:15 - 15:45 Break, clear room
15:45 - 16:30 Ordinary General Meeting (JAT members only)
17:30 - 19:30 Reception

Questions? Email [email protected]

Morning keynote speech by Terry Saito (齊藤貴昭)

Speaker profile:
ブログ:翻訳横丁の裏路地 (

Afternoon keynote panel discussion
Title: Is there an elephant in translation?
In November 2016 Google set the translating world abuzz with the introduction of its neural machine translation system that significantly improved the accuracy and capabilities of Google Translate. Many professional linguists feel the time has come to take stock of machine translation to evaluate its impact on the industry now and going forward. Panelists will discuss a broad variety of topics regarding MT, including its value to industrial translation, current topics among users and developers of the technology, and considerations for the future.

Panelist profiles
Dr. Eiichiro Sumita
Dr. Eiichiro Sumita is actively involved in the field of automatic translation at the laboratories of IBM, ATR, and NICT, and is intimately familiar with the technology behind the rules, examples, statistics, and neural nets of various systems. He proved that highly accurate automatic translation can be realized even among Japanese and English, inherently difficult languages to translate between, by utilizing "bilingual data" and "advanced algorithm." Utilizing this technology he released the speech translation application VoiceTra and the text translation site TexTra. As part of promoting a global communication plan, he is currently part of a Japanese government project of "speech translation" aimed to be rolled out in 2020 and is concentrating on sowing the seeds, watering, and tending the grass of translation innovation.

Hiroki Kawano
Born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1960. Earned a master’s degree in aerospace and engineering from the University of Tokyo. After several years working in the space development field switched his focus to localization and translation, running his own company from 1991 to 2002. After a few years off he returned to translating in 2005 and worked in-house at several companies before going freelance in April 2016. Has a strong interest in the role translation professionals can play in guiding the spread of machine translation along with the transformative effects of MT on the industry. His company PostEdit.Tokyo provides consulting to translation firms looking to introduce MT. Since 2011 has served as the editor of the JTF Journal, the monthly magazine of the Japan Translation Federation. Along with the JTF, he is also a member of the Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation, the Association for Natural Language Processing, the Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation Studies, and the Japan Society of Translators.

Tom Gally
Born in Pasadena, California, in 1957. B.A. in linguistics from University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A.s in linguistics and mathematics from University of Chicago. Moved to Japan in 1983 and began studying Japanese. Worked as freelance translator, copywriter, and lexicographer from 1986 to 2005. Authored books include Start Speaking Japanese Today, Reading Japanese with a Smile, and Eigo no Aya [Figures of English]. Translated books include Jazz Up Your Japanese with Onomatopoeia and Eigo de Tanoshimu Terada Torahiko [Enjoying Terada Torahiko in English]. Dictionaries include Kenkyusha’s New Japanese-English Dictionary and Kenkyusha’s Guide to Quantitative Expressions in English. Full-time faculty member of University of Tokyo since 2005. Currently professor in Graduate School and College of Arts and Sciences.

Matthew Heaton
Matthew Heaton is a co-founder and CEO of TBSJ. He has worked in the language industry since 2003, starting with translation and project management, and then moving on to business development. He has managed several major translation projects, including one of the biggest M&A support projects in Japan (200 translators), and due diligence translation for one of the largest leveraged buy-outs in Asia. Under his management, TBSJ has set up translation services in the areas of finance, law, entertainment, and technology, and has become the preferred Japanese/English translation provider for several of the world’s largest companies.