Apr 19, 2014
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Translating out of the business box and into the wonderland of children’s literature

“Helen’s workshop encouraged me to be more flexible and courageous in my translations, selecting words and phrases that produce the source-language meaning in natural, enjoyable target language text” – J>E translator

If you missed Helen’s popular session at the JTF’s Translation Festa in November, this is your chance! Helen will briefly – and playfully – retell the tale of how she ventured into children’s books after translating business texts for two decades. She will share some of the juicier phrases that landed on her plate while translating the first three books in the Guruguru and Gorogoro series – the sort of phrases that any translator from any translation field likes to sink her teeth into – and invite questions, ideas, and drooling from the audience.

Helen will then transform into a fairy godmother to facilitate a discussion on how to tackle several thorny phrases submitted by the audience. If you have something to contribute, please send your submission – Japanese to English translation up to 100 characters with any relevant background info – to [email protected] by Monday, March 31. (The presentation will be in English.)

Speaker Profile
Having worked in Japan for over two decades as a translator, interpreter, trainer, coach, and manager, Helen established Sasuga! Communications in May 2013 to focus on her passions: translating, training, and coaching. She translates business materials and children’s books from Japanese to English and provides communication-related workshops and coaching for business professionals.

Helen is from England. She studied German with Japanese at Aston University and holds a Master of Arts in Advanced Japanese Studies from Sheffield University. Helen served as president of the Japan Association of Translators from 2009 to 2013. Translating out of the Business Box and into the Wonderland of Children’s Literature

Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014
Time: 14:00-17:00
Doors open: 13.30
Place: Forum 8, Shibuya
Address: Dogenzaka 2-10-7, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0043; Phone: 03-3780-0008

*Please note new TAC fee structure (Details:
Cost: JAT members 1,000 yen; non-members 3,000 yen (advance registration is not necessary)
Koryukai: From 17:15 (advance registration is not necessary, register and pay at seminar reception)
Venue: The Aldgate
Shin Iwasaki Bldg 3F, 30-4 Udagawacho, Shibuya; Tel: 03-3462-2983
Cost: 2,000 yen (food only/cash bar)
Inquiries: [email protected]