Sep 13, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Online (Event date/time in JST)

Registration Closed: Invitation email will be sent on September 10th.

In this seminar I would like to explore the translation of materials relating to Japanese dispute resolution and court proceedings. This includes a broad range of texts, from incriminating emails discovered during due diligence investigations, preparations for child custody hearings, submissions in employment disputes and divorce proceedings, judgments in discrimination cases and arbitral awards. Each type of text presents its own translation challenges and yet there are problems that are common to them all. An understanding of essential terminology in source and target languages is critical, together with a basic grasp of the procedures involved: research pays dividends. I shall attempt to shed some light on both in an overview of this fascinating area.

Gwen Clayton
Gwen is a professional legal translator, working from Japanese and German into English. She studied Japanese at Oxford and Waseda universities and learnt German as a child (her mother was German). Prior to moving into translation, she worked for several years as a commercial lawyer in Tokyo, Bristol and Zurich, spending time in-house as well as in private practice. Gwen has been the Japanese tutor on the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI) – Law course at London Metropolitan University for the past 3 years and now divides her time between translation and teaching. Her translation clients include law firms, publishers, research institutions, museums and specialist agencies.

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