8:00 午後 - 9:00 午後
Zoom: Find meeting address on Bulletin (see below for details)

To: All Japan Association of Translators (JAT) Members

You are invited to the Japan Association of Translators’ Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) to be held online on June 15, 2024.
Proposed motions and supporting documentation are as follows.

member who is unable to attend a General Meeting for unavoidable

reasons may vote in writing or by electronic means on the matters

notified in advance, or may
delegate the voting to another member as

proxy (Article 28 of the JAT Teikan, and JAT Bylaws Section V (2)).

Please see the details below.




日時 / Date and Time:

2024年6月15日(土) 20:00~21:00 (日本時間) / Saturday, June 15, 2024, 20:00 – 21:00 JST

開催場所 / Location: Zoom
Zoom link:
(ログイン後Forumをご確認ください / Please log in and see Forum)

注記: これまでのオンライン総会では、出席される方にも欠席投票を依頼して事前に票数を集計していましたが、今回はZoomの投票機能を用いて、総会の間に投票ができるようにしました。 定款第26条の通常総会の定足数(全会員の10分の1)を満たすために、お手数ですが 必ず、総会に出席して当日投票する会員の方はOGM出席確認フォームへの記入、総会に出席できない会員の方は、オンライン欠席投票または委任状提出をお願いします。OGM出席確認フォーム・オンライン欠席投票・委任状の提出は2024年6月13日(日本時間22:00)までです。

委任状フォームhttps://jat.org/ja/form/appoin... (要ログイン)
欠席投票フォームhttps://jat.org/form/ogm (要ログイン)
OGM出席確認フォームhttps://jat.org/form/ogmAttend... (要ログイン)

Note: In past online OGMs, we requested submitting a proxy or absentee ballot even if when planning to attend the OGM. This year, you can vote during the OGM using the Zoom polling feature. However, to ensure that the quorum is met, we request submitting an OGM attendance confirmation form when you plan to attend. If you are unable to attend the OGM, you are strongly urged to use the online forms below for voting or appointing a proxy because Article 26 of the Teikan (Articles of Incorporation) states that the OGM will not be legally valid unless at least one-tenth of all members are present. Proxy, absentee ballot, and OGM attendance confirmation forms will be available until June 13, 2024 (22:00 JST).

Proxy form: https://jat.org/form/appointme... (Login required)
Absentee ballot form: https://jat.org/form/ogm (Login required)
OGM attendance form: https://jat.org/form/ogmAttend... (Login required)

通常総会の資料 / OGM Documents (要ログイン/Login required):

• 事業報告書 (Business Report):

• 活動計算書 (Financial Statements):

• 貸借対照表兼財産目録 (Balance Sheet & List of Assets):

• 選挙結果 (Officers and Officers-elect for approval):

• 定款変更 (Revision of the Article of Incorporation):

• 事業計画書 (Business Plan):
2024: https://jat.org/download/AGM/2...
2025: https://jat.org/download/AGM/2...

• 予算計画書 (Budget):
2024: https://jat.org/download/AGM/2...
2025: https://jat.org/download/AGM/2...
2024(別形式): https://jat.org/download/AGM/2...
2025(別形式): https://jat.org/download/AGM/2...

• 監査報告書 (Auditors Report):