プレゼンテーション: Monetary policy translation workshop
スピーカー: Christopher Blakeslee
Date: 2019年12月14日(土)
時間: 14:00 – 17:00
会場時間: 13:30
場所: Minna no kaigishitsu Akasaka
住所:〒 107- 0052 東京都港区赤坂3丁目12-7 ストークビル3階
What central bankers say can have a large impact on the real economy. Their spoken and written statements are frequently discussed in the media and in equity, economic, and fixed income research. This workshop will be of use to general and business translators as well as specialists in the financial field. After an extensive introduction to monetary policy and the fixed income (rates) market, participants will form teams to translate some select Japanese-to-English passages. The content will be complementary to that presented in Osaka and Cairns.
* This presentation will be presented in English.
Christopher Blakeslee
CB has been a freelance J2E translator for 22 years, and after trying out different fields his first several years quickly found his niche in translating fixed income and equity market research, quant strategy, and academic papers in economics. His direct clients have included some of the world’s leading investment banks, stock brokerage firms, and central banks, a customer portfolio that led him to a sub-specialty in monetary policy. He has a Finance degree from Florida State University and studied graduate-level economics at the University of Toulouse. He spends most of his time in Bali nowadays.
[JATサイトによる前払い] JAT会員 2000円; JAT会員ではない方 4000円
[当日] JAT会員 2500円; JAT会員ではない方 4500円
予想外の理由でTAC忘年会は最初の会場の隣りにあるグリージョ ラ ダーヴォラ(去年と同じお店)とになります。
日付: 2019年12月14日(土)
時間: 17:30-19:30 (受付開始:17:15)
場所: グリージョ ラ ターヴォラ (禁煙部屋を予約しました)
住所:〒107-6301 東京都港区赤坂5-3-1 赤坂Bizタワー1F
[JATサイトによる前払いの場合] JAT 会員 5500円, JAT会員ではない方 6000円 (食べ物 + 飲み物)
お申込み/キャンセル期限:2019年12月12日(木) 21:00 JST