Dear JAT members,

The JAT Anthology wants to hear from you. Not only that, we want to help the whole world hear from you, assuming what you say is about translation/interpretation.

We would like to ask you to share your experiences, difficulties, and opinions on translation and interpretation. Last year saw the introduction of the invoice system in Japan, the accelerating depreciation of the yen, and the further rise of AI translation, which all made many of us think deeply about the way we work as translators. At the same time, IJET was successfully held on-site for the first time in four years, and it was a year in which we were able to experience firsthand the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Conceived in the hope we can learn not only from our own experience but also from others’ experiences, the JAT Translator Perspectives anthology would like to hear from you so that JAT members and other anthology readers can learn from you.

The guidelines are that your essay should be up to 600 words in English or up to 1800 characters in Japanese. The essay should also have a title and your name (including how to pronounce it). In no case may the essay exceed two printed pages. (This is something that will be obvious when it is laid out. We will ask you to trim it if it runs over.)

Deadline: August 1st, 2024
Submit to: anthology[a]

In principle, we will not edit your essay. What you write is who you are. Rather, we will just collect the essays and send them to the printer, who will standardize the font and type size and do the lay-out. Once we get things back from the printer, we will send you your essay and ask you to proof it, tell us what, if anything, needs to be corrected and the corrected essay will be printed. As mentioned, there is no provision for us to edit your essay. Getting it right is your responsibility.

We look forward to hearing from you.
Essays (and questions) should be sent to

Thank you.

Anthology Committee (Peter Winchcomb-Wada, Yukari Watanabe, Takeshi Miyahara, Lilian Tsai, Mizuki Nagara, Yuka Rice)