Dear JAT Members,

The JAT board is now accepting proposals for IJET-31, to be held in Japan in 2020. Organizing an IJET requires effort and cooperation, but is also very rewarding. You would have the full support of the JAT Board and of past IJET organizers as you take on this important endeavor.

Prospective Organizing Committees are asked to submit written proposals as follows:

Submit a simple statement of intent to submit a proposal, indicating intended location city for IJET and initial (provisional) committee members, as far as currently known.

June 21st 2019: Submit a complete proposal including a draft budget and all other information described in section 1-2 of the IJET Manual, which can be found here:

All submissions should be sent to:

Phil Robertson
JAT Board IJET Liaison
[email protected]

Receipt of items submitted will be confirmed via a reply e-mail message.
Likewise, please send any questions you may have about the proposal process or the timeline to me at the same e-mail address.
Thank you for your consideration.

Phil Robertson
JAT Board IJET Liaison
[email protected]