Tokyo Activities Committee wishes to advise that attendance fees for TAC seminars will change as of April this year. JAT members shall be asked to pay 1,000 yen and non-members 3,000 yen.
Until now, deficits from holding TAC seminars have been fully subsidized by JAT’s treasury. However, TAC has decided to raise entrance fees in an attempt to reduce the burden on JAT’s coffers, as the current modus operandi is unsustainable. Our president, Marian Kinoshita, stated in her State of JAT February letter: “…funds have been decreasing, so in the current fiscal year (April 2013-March 2014), we have taken several steps to reverse this decline, including promotion of financial self-sufficiency...”
TAC has received feedback from non-members as to the extremely good value of being able to attend seminars for the cost of 1,000 yen thus far. Some attendees may also be aware that another translation entity based in Tokyo charges 3,500 yen for members and 5,000 yen for non-members for its seminars. In light of this TAC feels that the proposed change of 1000 yen for members and 3,000 yen for non-members is still quite reasonable.
Tokyo Activities Committee remains devoted to organizing and holding seminars that we hope will appeal to attendees. We ask for your kind understanding and look forward to seeing you at seminars TAC has planned for this year.