Call for Anthology Essays: JAT members only

Last year's anthology of translator perspectives was a great success. Again, thanks to the many people who shared their thoughts. We printed 1,500. We have a mere 50 left.

This year, we are planning an even greater success. We would like a hundred essays. But we are more interested in quality than we are in quantity. Your essay will represent you and, by reflection, JAT to the outside world. Make it good.

It does not need to be long. In fact, it should be 500 or fewer words in English or 1000 characters or fewer in Japanese. Certainly no longer than that. Plus the title.
There is time. The deadline is not until July 29. That is more than two months away. It is after the IJET-24 Conference. It is plenty of time to write an insightful essay. (Yes, it is earlier than last year's deadline was -- because there will be more essays and because we do not want to be as rushed.)

What advice do you have for other translators, would-be translators, clients, translation readers, editors, or anyone else translation-related? (translation herein including interpretation, of course) This might be how you finessed a particularly difficult passage. It might be something on business practices. It might be tips on getting better. It might be a market-outlook piece. It could be anything — so long as it offers a translation-related insight or two.

As was done last year, the committee reserves the right to edit for brevity and/or clarity (with authors retaining final sign-off rights). As was done last year, authors can get copies to send out and/or can provide addresses and ask JAT to send copies out. As was done last year, each author will hold the copyright on his/her essay and JAT will hold the copyright on the collection.

Please send your essays to the 2013 JAT Anthology Committee. We look forward to publishing you.

The 2013 JAT Anthology Committee