Your Thoughts on Translation

Call for (very) Short Essays
There is such a wealth of experience and good sense among JAT members that the JAT Board would like to commemorate International Translation Day (September 30) by publishing an anthology of short essays written by all of you.

While the official theme this year is Translation as Transcultural Communication, there is no need to focus just on that. Instead, feel free to write what you think is important about translation. In 250-400 words or 400-800 characters.

This could be tips for other translators, hints for translation clients, insights for translation readers, historical perspective, speculation on future directions, or whatever else you want to share.

Once all of the essays have been received, we will get them edited (with the authors having final approval rights), package them with a brief what-is-JAT introduction, and send them out first to the contributors and also to other translation organizations, translation companies, and prominent translation users. (We anticipate asking for contributors as the send-out date approaches.)

Assuming there are lots of good contributions and this goes well, we envision this as a very approachable educational tool for everyone whose life involves translation -- as well as a neat bit of advertising for all of the contributors. So start thinking about this now. What crucial insights have you gained so far? What is it about translation that you wish other people understood better? Here's your chance. Tell us.

Length: 250-400 words or 400-800 characters
Deadline: August 31, 2012
Send to: [email protected]
Include: Essay title, essay, and your name
Limit: Only one submission per person
We look forward to hearing from you.