

Charles Aschmann / アッシュマン・チャールズ (理事)
James Singleton / シングルトン・ジェームス (理事)
Tony Atkinson / アトキンソン・トニー (理事)
Clifford Bender / ベンダー・クリフ (理事)
Takeshi Miyahara / 宮原健 (理事)
Christopher Blakeslee / ブレイクスリー・クリストファー (理事)
Naoko Selland / セランド修子 (監事)

この候補者・推薦人一覧に間違いや欠落があると思われた場合は、至急[email protected] までお知らせくださいますよう、お願いいたします。

この後、6月6日(22:00:00 JST)までが選挙運動期間になります。



委員長 木下マリアン
委員  二木夢子
委員  ベン・トンプキンズ

Charles Aschmann / アッシュマン・チャールズ

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明

I am standing for JAT Director again for the purpose of continuing work on the JAT website, improving the online experience for JAT members and ensuring continuity of the JAT Internet presence. One of my major goals for this term, if elected, will be a communications system (replacing or augmenting the current JAT List and Forums) that is acceptable to all members. This has been an elusive goal, but I have hope that it may be possible soon. In addition, I would like to see a continuation of high quality content for JAT Members.

(Current board member, endorser statement not necessary / 推薦人の推薦文 不要)

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James Singleton / シングルトン・ジェームス

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

It is with enthusiasm that I submit my candidacy for a second term as director on the JAT board. It has been an honor to work with the many dedicated volunteers of JAT’s Special Interest Groups and Regional Activities Committees over the last two years. The SIGs and RACs hold a variety of events through the year giving members the opportunity to keep abreast of industry developments, hone skills, and connect with colleagues, making them among JAT’s greatest resources. I am committed as the SIG and RAC liaison to continue assisting the different steering committees in providing JAT members and the broader translation and interpretation community a wide range of professional development and networking opportunities.

I believe that volunteering for the SIGs and RACs is vastly rewarding both individually and for JAT as a whole. However, I recognize the investment of time and energy deters many from stepping forward. I am dedicated to implementing new approaches like standardizing tasks and outsourcing certain responsibilities to lessen the burden of volunteering and make it easier for JAT members to contribute their experiences, ideas, and knowledge.

I have also served as chair of the Content Committee for the past four years, and as a director I will explore new approaches for raising JAT’s profile on social media with the goals of boosting attendance at JAT events and increasing interest in the SIGs and RACs.

It would be an honor to continue helping JAT grow in scope and impact.

(Current board member, endorser statement not necessary / 推薦人の推薦文 不要)

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Tony Atkinson トニー・アトキンソン

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

I wish to offer my candidacy as a director on the JAT Board in the 2019 election. As noted in my candidacy statement for the 2017 election, I have a strong commitment to professional development, and I have put this commitment into practice throughout my first term as a member of the Board, continuing to support the many activities that JAT already provides in this area, and trialing new initiatives. If re-elected, I look forward to further exploring these and other innovative ways to bring professional development opportunities to greater numbers of members.
If elected, I also pledge to support the JAT Board in their ongoing work and continue to help JAT maintain its status as the world’s leading professional association of Japanese-English and English-Japanese translators and interpreters.

(Current board member, endorser statement not necessary / 推薦人の推薦文 不要)

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Clifford Bender ベンダー・クリフ

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

I'm standing for re-election to basically continue helping JAT administration for a second term, and hopefully push forward our efforts to make the JAT Board more of a managing board than a doing board.

(Current board member, endorser statement not necessary / 推薦人の推薦文 不要)

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Christopher Blakeslee / ブレイクスリー・クリストファー

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

I have served as Treasurer and a Director of JAT for the past two years and will gladly serve JAT for another two years.

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Takeshi Miyahara / 宮原健

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文




Endorser Statement / 推薦人の推薦文


JAT理事 小泉志保

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Candidate for auditor *監事の立候補者*

Naoko Selland / セランド修子

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文





(Current auditor, endorser statement not necessary / 推薦人の推薦文 不要)

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