Ihaya, Manako (井隼 眞奈子)
- Specialties
Business, law, litigation, journalism, video games, scripts, general, depositions, PMDA audits, focus groups, consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting
- Background
Native ability in English and Japanese, having been raised and schooled evenly in Japan and the U.S. Completed translation courses at Tokyo's Simul Academy, later teaching other classes there....
- Profession
- Translator Interpreter
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Translator, Interpreter
Ikeda, Aya (池田彩)
- Specialties
Medical/Pharmaceutical/Life Science Translation: Specialized in translating a wide range of documents related to clinical trials, such as protocols, investigator's brochures, and informed consent...
- Background
Hold a university degree in policy studies with a focus on international development in SouthEast Asia. Gained initial professional experience working at a trading company for several years....
- Profession
- Translator
- Source Language
- English, Indonesian
- Target Language
- Japanese
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English, Indonesian |
Japanese |
Ikegami, Sako L. (池上 小湖)
- Specialties
Med/pharma interpretation and translation: Primarily clinical fields including medical papers, regulatory documents (preclinical and clinical study documentation: protocols, informed consent forms,...
- Background
Received most of my education (Grades K-10 and post-BS Doctor of Pharmacy graduate school) in the US. As a clinical pharmacist with hospital and pharmaceutical industry (R&D) experience, I can...
- Profession
- Translator Interpreter
- Source Language
- Japanese
- Target Language
- English
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Japanese |
English |
Translator, Interpreter
Inoshita, Chisako (井下千佐子)
- Specialties
- Have worked with clients including pharmaceutical / medical device manufacturers, tech companies, consulting firms, ad agencies, research institutes, communications and marketing teams, tourism...
- Background
- Full-time translator with 20+ yrs of experience
- Degrees in English linguistics and music from universities in Japan/U.S.
- Chair of the Tokyo Activity Committee, Japan Association of Translators
- Profession
- Translator
- Source Language
- English, Japanese
- Target Language
- English, Japanese
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English, Japanese |
English, Japanese |
Irie, Fuko (入江 風子)
- Specialties
東京出身、東京在住。2022年シエナ外国人大学、外国語としてのイタリア語教授法証明資格 Ditals I - 日本人向け指導法コース修了。ボローニャ大学に4年間正規留学(a.a 2013 - 2014外国人枠入学)。(2007年〜2017年イタリアと日本を往復)
2024年現在イタリア学会、イタリア近現代史研究会、JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF...
- Background
Over +10 years of Translation, Interpretation experience
Lived in Italy for 10 years
- Profession
- Translator Interpreter
- Source Language
- French, Italian, Japanese
- Target Language
- French, Italian, Japanese
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French, Italian, Japanese |
French, Italian, Japanese |
Translator, Interpreter
Ishida, Yoshiko (石田 芳子)
- Specialties
-Marketing focusing mainly on IT field
- Background
Freelance E>J Translator/Proofreader/Language Lead/Japanese Language Specialist
- Accumulated experience in localization
- Advanced Japanese composition/proofreading skills (BA in Linguistics)
- Profession
- Translator
- Source Language
- English
- Target Language
- Japanese
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English |
Japanese |
Ishihara, Yukari (石原 ゆかり)
- Specialties
Computer Technology – Ex. data management systems (PDM/PLM, CSM, ERP, Oracle, ALM, SLM), IoT (Internet of Things), AR/VR, MCAD, medical equipment, printers and scanners, image capturing, game...
- Background
Localization Specialist/Technical Translator. 20+ years of professional experience in localization and translation industry. Graduated from Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan, with B.A. in American...
- Profession
- Translator
- Source Language
- English
- Target Language
- Japanese
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English |
Japanese |
Ishii, Lucia (ルシーア・モス・イシイ)
- Specialties
Video Game Localization/Dialogue Translation
Web Site Translation
Business and General Translation
English or Japanese Proofreading and Editing
- Background
Specialization: Video games, computers, software, technical, business, general.
Qualifications: Over 25 years experience as a freelance translator. BS in combined Japanese/Computer Science...
- Profession
- Translator
- Source Language
- Japanese
- Target Language
- English
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Japanese |
English |
Ishikawa, Masashi (石川 正志)
- Specialties
現在、資産運用会社を中心顧客として、以下のようなドキュメントの翻訳(日本語→英語、英語→日本語)を承っております。 ・ 運用報告書(月次、四半期、半期、年次) ・ RFP(年金基金、コンサルティング会社向け質問状回答) ・ 投資、運用をテーマとする各種読み物(リサーチ・ペーパーなど) ・ プレゼンテーション資料(パワーポイント資料の翻訳+レイアウト業務) ・ 運用商品説明書 ・...
- Background
代表者氏名:石川正志 東京外国語大学卒、翻訳会社勤務を経て、英国のロンドン・ビジネス・スクールに留学、経営学修士号(MBA)を取得。 帰国後、外資系証券会社にてアジア経済・アジア株のレポートの翻訳、外資系運用機関にて、年金運用・投信関連の質問状(RFP)回答、運用報告書の作成・翻訳業務に従事。 2002年に独立。2004年に金融専門の翻訳会社、株式会社ワードトラストを設立、現在に至る。
- Source Language
- Target Language
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Ishitobi, Chie (石飛 千恵)
- Specialties
環境・エネルギー(原子力、鉱物資源)、半導体製造装置、宇宙開発・利用他 Energy & environment (nuclear power, mineral resources), semiconductor lithography equipment, space development & utilization, and many more
- Background
- Profession
- Translator Interpreter
- Source Language
- English, Japanese
- Target Language
- English, Japanese
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English, Japanese |
English, Japanese |
Translator, Interpreter
Iwamoto, Shunichi (岩元俊一)
- Specialties
翻訳は特許明細書が主で、化学に関連した多様な分野(樹脂、繊維、複合材料、分析、創薬、石油・ガス、水処理、金属、半導体など)を手がけています。常時取引をしている翻訳会社様からビジネスパートナーとして賞をいただいたこともあります。訳書『ハリス分析化学』(原題:Quantitative Chemical Analysis 原著者:Daniel C. Harris)(化学同人)
- Background
Education, Certifications and Memberships
・ 1996, MA, Chemistry, Kyoto...
- Profession
- Translator
- Source Language
- English
- Target Language
- Japanese
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English |
Japanese |
Iwata, Ko (岩田 香)
- Specialties
Translate, proofread, and edit narration for videos, and documents on communications, sports, business, advertising, marketing, and art.
- Background
Have lived overseas for over 20 years. JAT member since 2001 and JAT director for five years. Worked as an in-house translator/interpreter at an advertising agency, ISP, and US legal firm....
- Profession
- Translator Interpreter
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Translator, Interpreter
James, Malcolm (マルコム・ジェームズ)
- Specialties
Originally specialized in science & technology, but then expanded into business translation, civil engineering, architecture, and contemporary art. Also involved in translation for Japanese...
- Background
Science & technology background, including 6 years working on machine translation projects in Japan and the UK (Sheffield). Later worked with a tech startup based in Osaka and Silicon Valley,...
- Profession
- Translator
- Source Language
- Japanese
- Target Language
- English
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Japanese |
English |
Johnson, Donald (ジョンソン・ドナルド)
- Specialties
I interpret at business and technical meetings and in factories. I interpret and translate solar and semiconductor technologies, factory equipment and facilities, automotive and aviation, and...
- Background
I have 25 years of experience translating, interpreting and reviewing documents. I have worked in factories and law offices across the USA and in Japan. I have managed large teams of translators...
- Profession
- Translator Interpreter
- Source Language
- Japanese
- Target Language
- English
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Japanese |
English |
Translator, Interpreter
Johnson, Devin (デビン・ジョンソン)
- Specialties
コンピューター・IT・特許・ソフトウェア・マニュアル・技術 ・ 科学・ AI・ゲーム
Computer science, IT, software, video games, science, tech, patents, manuals
- Profession
- Translator
- Source Language
- Japanese
- Target Language
- English
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Japanese |
English |