Benefits of Membership
Why join JAT?
First and foremost, JAT is a place where translators and interpreters who work between Japanese and other languages can network with other professionals, promote themselves and their services to their colleagues, and work together with other professionals on a wide variety of interesting activities and projects. JAT membership is not limited to people who are already professionals. Anyone with an interest in translation as a career or who otherwise sees a benefit in networking with professionals is welcome to join JAT.
Connect to a community of fellow translators and interpreters
Although there are many translators who work in-house on either a full- or part-time basis, a great many JATters are freelancers, which can be an isolating experience, working alone for clients in other cities, countries, or even on other continents. JAT helps provide freelancers with a sense of community through its on-line presence (Web Forums). These JAT features are a great place to ask questions about translation-related issues as well as to learn about the many different activities that are organized by JAT members, including regular meetings in both Tokyo and Osaka as well as annual IJET conferences.
Promote yourself to your colleagues and to prospective clients
A listing in the public version of the JAT membership database is an excellent way to enable translation agencies and other companies or individuals to find and contact you directly. Our open database is searchable by language, specialization, and location and enables prospective clients to contact you without compromising your privacy. And since every member profile has a unique URL on the JAT Website, it’s easy to refer clients to your online resume.
Members only JOB BOARD
The JOB BOARD connects clients in need of translators and interpreters with JAT members. In addition to domestic and overseas translation agencies, various jobs are posted directly by corporations, patent firms, law firms, and individuals who are seeking service, sometimes more than other depending on the time of the year.
Member discounts and free benefits
Get discounts on JAT events like IJET (International Japanese English Translation) conference and regular meetings held in Tokyo and cities across the nation. Being a JAT member entitles you to discounts on these meetings and you will find regular attendance will offset almost the entire cost of membership fees. On top of that, webinars are offered for free for JAT members only starting 2022!
And there’s more. Special discounts for members are available through
JAT’s partnership with SDL, memoQ, and NetAdvance (JapanKnowledge). JAT
members receive 25% discount on Trados Studio Freelance license, one-year memoQ translator pro subscription at a rate of 15%, and 20% off on JapanKnowledge annual membership. (As of June, 2024)
Members only archived seminars/webinars
JAT events are recorded with the consent of the presenters and archived, available for viewing only by members, except for some exceptions. And as a member, you can access the archives to catch up on missed seminars on weekends, long holidays or whenever it is convenient for you with no time limitation.