The Japan Association of Translators (JAT) was founded in 1985 to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among translators working between Japanese and English, and to establish and maintain professional standards in the industry. Membership is limited to individuals who are engaged in, or interested in, translation or interpretation. JAT was officially recognized as a non-profit organization (NPO) in Japan in April 2001. As of November 2018, JAT had approximately 700 members, about half of whom reside outside Japan. JAT offers members a wide array of opportunities and resources for professional development and networking.

IJET Conferences

The International Japanese-English Translation (IJET) Conference is JAT’s flagship professional development and networking event. First held in 1990, this annual two-day conference brings translators and interpreters together to network, share their experience and expertise, and further develop their professional skills. With the venue alternating between Japan and an English-speaking country each year, IJET has been held in locations throughout Japan and around the globe.

Visit IJET website for more information.


The PROfessional Japanese-English Conference on Translation (PROJECT) is a one-day conference that covers various aspects of translation and the translation business, and is designed to be of particular benefit to people just starting out in the profession. PROJECTs are held in major Japanese cities, usually in years when IJET is held overseas. Host cities have included Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Kyoto.

Visit PROJECT website for more information.

Regional Activities Committees

Regional activity committees hold regular seminars featuring presentations by JAT members and other specialists, covering topics such as professional translation tools and practices, how to establish a company, tax issues, industry standards, and the freelancer’s perspective, as well as networking and social events. Social gatherings are often held after these seminars at a nearby bar or restaurant to encourage casual networking.

  • Tokyo Activities Committee (TAC)
  • Kansai-Area Translators (KAT)
  • Tohoku Regional Activities Committee (TRAC)
  • Midwest Activities Committee (MAC)
  • A location near you!

The JAT Board encourages members to hold gatherings wherever they live and can help get you started on organizing a local event or forming a new regional committee.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

JAT SIGs bring together groups of experts around specific areas of common interest. These groups publish field-specific articles and books, operate their own mailing lists, and hold meetings.

SIG Area of Interest
JATLAW Legal translation
JATPHARMA Medical/pharmaceutical translation
JATINT Interpreting
JATTOOLS Translation tools and productivity tips
JATBOOK Book translation
JATENT Entertainment
JATOTH Other languages

Do you have a specialized field of interest and know others who share that interest? Propose a new JAT SIG! The JAT Board welcomes new SIG proposals and can help get you started.

Other Activities

Translation Contest

The annual JAT Translation Contest for new and aspiring translators has two categories: J-to-E and E-to-J. Attractive prizes are on offer and extensive feedback is provided to contestants. Entry to the contest is free of charge.

Clickt here for more information.


e-Juku is an online workshop in which veteran translators serve as mentors for JAT members eager to improve their translation skills. So far aimed mainly at novice J-to-E translators, e-Juku may be expanded to offer field-specific sessions for advanced translators, depending on demand.

Click here for more information.