




フィル・ロバートソン (理事)

トニー・アトキンソン (理事)

チャールズ・アッシュマン (理事)

ジェームス・シングルトン (理事)

クリストファー・ブレイクスリー (理事)

セランド修子 (監事)

この候補者・推薦人一覧に間違いや欠落があると思われた場合は、至急[email protected] までお知らせくださいますよう、お願い致します。

この後、6月3日(22:00:00 JST)までが選挙運動期間になります。





委員長 木下マリアン

委員 ジョン・ブラウン

委員 二木夢子

委員 立花陽一郎(技術サポート)


■ Candidate details / 立候補者の詳細

Candidates for director *理事の立候補者*

Clifford Bender / クリフ・ベンダー

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明

In rejoining the JAT Board, I have no particular agenda other than to help JAT continue doing what it does best. Having managed JAT's US bank account for 10+ years, I hope to help the new Board manage its finances and growing endeavors in Japan and abroad, particularly the budding Midwest Activities Committee, provide learning opportunities for translators and interpreters in the J/E translator and interpreter realm.

Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) 丸岡英明

Cliff Benderさんは、JATの理事としてご活躍されたことがあるだけでなく、数え切れないほどのIJETにおけるTreasurerとして、JATに対して多大な貢献をされてきました。





Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2):Ben Tompkins

Handlebar moustache and all, Cliff Bender is a true JAT veteran. I first volunteered with Cliff when we worked together to organize IJET-16 in Chicago. Back then, he graciously stepped into the role of Organizing Committee Treasurer, providing sound and unvarnished financial advice and guidance throughout the year that it took to organize IJET Chicago. Cliff has served on many IJET organizing committees (most recently, IJET-28 in Columbus) and has four years of experience on the JAT Board of Directors. He manages JAT’s American bank account and is the current chair of JATPATENT, our SIG for patent translators. When elected, Cliff will hit the ground running. The new Board will need people like him to negotiate the complexities of our accounting requirements under the continually evolving NPO Law, manage our finances after JAT’s recent growth spurt, and make the tough decisions that face JAT. Please join me in voting for Cliff Bender.

Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) 遠藤安岐子

クリフォード・ベンダー氏は長年にわたり日本翻訳者協会のために尽くしてくださり、いわば重鎮的な存在で、私にとっては縁の下の力持ち的な存在で頼りにできる方です。協会の米国での活動を促進するために、そして在米の協会会員の便宜のために、日本翻訳者協会をオハイオ州でNPOとして登録してくださったばかりか、協会の米国内の銀行の管理者として 地道な仕岐事をしてくださっています。今後の日本翻訳者協会のグローバルな発展を考えるとなくてはならない方です。


Phil Robertson/ フィル・ロバートソン

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

I have been privileged to serve on the JAT Board for the past two years. It is currently an extremely exciting time to be involved with JAT, which continues to progress in leaps and bounds. There is always room for improvement, however, and topics in which I have a keen interest include the following:

• Ensuring that all JAT members get the best possible value for money. (Members who find it difficult to attend JAT events should have easy access to event materials, such as on-line videos and proceedings.)

• Continuing to stage high-quality, large-scale events. In particular, I am looking forward to the staging of further PROJECTs in the coming few years, as these have proved highly popular and profitable in the past.

• Promoting JAT to the general public and helping to educate a wider audience about the translation industry.

• Ensuring that JAT’s finances remain on a sound footing. Spending has increased in recent years, and while JAT’s financial situation is reasonably healthy, it is important that the organization use its cash reserves judiciously.

• Promoting high standards within the profession by taking clear positions as an organization on issues of quality and professionalism.

• Establishing a structure for CSR activities that would enable JAT members to volunteer their skills to help those in need (e.g. in case of medical emergency or in time of natural disaster).

• Establishing a mentoring system where veterans can counsel less experienced translators and pass on their knowledge.

More generally, I believe it is important that the Board should concentrate on determining consistent and clear policies, and devising long-term strategy. Thank you for your consideration.

Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) 豊田麻友美

2017年のJAT選挙で、フィル・ロバートソン氏を以下の理由により理事に推薦いたします。 1. 広い人脈 ボランティアなどを積極的に行っているロバートソン氏は、翻訳業界以外でも厚い人望を集めています。経済が低迷する中、翻訳レートの低下傾向など翻訳業界も厳しい状況にありますが、翻訳の重要性を業界以外の人々に知っていただくためにもその人脈を活かし、JATのみならず、翻訳者の地位向上や業界発展に尽くしてくれると信じています。 2. 冷静な判断力  これまで一緒に行った会議運営などのでは、常に冷静な観点を保ち、客観的なアドバイスをしてくれました。その意見は合理的な根拠に基いており、説得力がありました。さまざまな経歴を持つ人材が集まって組織を運営していく上で、あらゆる意見を考慮し、的確に判断するという資質は極めて重要です。 JATが今後も発展を遂げるために、ロバートソン氏のこのような能力を是非活かしていただきたいと思っております。

Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) Monica Pinda

I am once again pleased to offer the following endorsement of Mr Phil Robertson for his candidacy to continue as a JAT Director.

My relationship with Phil has been largely through membership of JAT and attendance at IJET conferences over the past decade. I know that Phil has had considerable experience in various roles that have included IJET committee membership, JAT directorship (2007–2011) and PROJECT Tokyo events. My most direct involvement with Phil was during the time he was the Board IJET Liaison person when I was Programme Coordinator for IJET 20. Phil was also a member of the Client Acquisition panel at that conference and it was through that presentation that I gained more insight into his business acumen and communication skills.

During Phil’s most recent term as JAT Director he has promoted three IJETs (York/Sendai/Columbus) and supported the revival of PROJECTs, after a hiatus of several years, with PROJECT Kyoto.

I think that Phil’s track record as a past and recent director will speak for itself but in my interactions with him he has always been efficient, logical and forthright, yet very sensitive when acting as liaison between parties with often disparate needs and views. I know that he is keen to represent the interests and voice of the individual translator. These are all qualities which make him an excellent candidate to continue his directorship.

I also believe that Phil’s personal activities, which include sport and charity work (most notably taking time off work to raise funds for Mirai no Mori), are not only testament to his character but would bring an extra dimension to his role within JAT.

Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Stacey Jehlik

I am delighted to endorse Phil Robertson (again!) as a candidate for the JAT Board of Directors. Phil was serving on the board as IJET liaison when I was serving on the IJET-22 (Seattle) Organizing Committee and I found him to be an especially helpful contributor to the planning process. He was a consistent and effective communicator, and made useful suggestions during committee interactions. He also demonstrated professionalism and tact when faced with difficult committee management issues that arose in the early planning phase of the conference. As IJET liaison to the board, Phil struck just the right balance between the two groups. He was diligent in ensuring that the committee was fulfilling its obligations, making himself available to provide assistance as needed. At the same time, he was respectful of the committee's independent management of the planning process. Phil has built an impressive portfolio of JAT board roles already played, demonstrating his commitment to the organization and his work ethic. In his most recent stint on the board, he has shown an interest in creating a stronger presence for JAT through the development of more strategic PR planning, and I think his voice will be a valuable both in everyday decision making and in JAT's strategic planning going forward. On top of all that, Phil is just a nice guy who is easy to talk to. Such qualities are not to be overlooked when one is seeking to ensure effective interactions between board members with diverse communication styles. I am confident that Phil will be a reliable contributor to JAT's continued growth if elected to serve a full term as director.


Tony Atkinson / トニー・アトキンソン

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

I wish to offer my candidacy as a director on the JAT Board. I have worked as a translator and teacher of translation for nearly 30 years and have been a JAT member since 1995 and a member or chair of the Steering Committee of the JATPHARMA special-interest group since its inception. I have a strong commitment to professional development, and have put this belief into practice by presenting at numerous IJET conferences and other venues. I believe that this background makes me ideally suited to supporting and extending the excellent work that JAT already does in the arena of professional development of translators and interpreters, including IJETs, PROJECTs, RAC and SIG activities, the annual translation contest, and e-Juku workshops.

A related initiative that I would like to explore with the new Board is that of giving new life to JAT’s valuable archives that have been accumulated over the past 30 years. I am certain that both novice and experienced interpreters and translators will benefit from new exposure to these materials.

If elected, I also pledge to support the JAT Board in their ongoing work, and continue to help JAT grow into the world’s leading professional association of Japanese-English and English-Japanese translators and interpreters.

Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Ben Tompkins

I was overjoyed when Tony Atkinson told me he had decided to run in the JAT Board of Directors election. I unequivocally and enthusiastically endorse him as a candidate and support his aspirations for JAT.

Although I refuse to pick favorites when it comes to JAT, JATPHARMA is objectively one of our most active and innovative SIGs. As JATPHARMA Steering Committee Chair, Tony Atkinson has nurtured JATPHARMA since its inception five years ago. Thanks to Tony’s leadership and the hard work of other committee members, JATPHARMA has given JAT members and others the JAT Pharma Handbook with accompanying glossary, dozens of high quality presentations on pharma translation, a mailing list/forum, and a vibrant community for translators to learn more about this challenging specialty.

Tony also has previous JAT board experience. He is a team player, a teacher in many capacities, and well respected as a translator.

As JAT continues to grow, we need more leaders like Tony. Please join me in voting for him.

Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) 丸岡英明

Tony Atkinsonさんは、ベテランの医薬翻訳者として、JAT内外で尊敬を集めています。 JATにおいては、医薬翻訳分科会JATPHARMAの委員長を長年にわたって務められており、これまで快挙に暇がない活動を主催されてきました。日本国内各地だけでなく、イギリスやアメリカなどの国でも不定期に行われているJATPHARMAのセミナーでは、自ら講師を担当されているだけでなく、持ち前のリーダーシップでボランティアのチームを統率され、外部の講師を招いた興味深いセッションを数多く開催されてきました。それ以外にも、例えば、製薬専門日英翻訳ハンドブック(JAT Pharma Handbook)の編集・出版、医薬翻訳に特化したe-Jukuの開催など、新たな試みにも果敢に取り組まれています。




Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Monica Pinda

I don’t think there would be many JAT members or IJET attendees who are unaware of Tony’s numerous contributions to the organisation and his dedication to the betterment of the profession, but just in case, I shall reiterate a few.

Tony has almost 30 years’ experience as a specialist translator, predominantly in the biomedical, pharmaceutical fields. He has been a member of JAT since 1995 and was a Director and Membership Secretary between 2000 and 2001. Tony has been an IJET presenter or panelist 16 times since 2000. He was a founding member and Chair of JATPHARMA. Tony has also authored 2 chapters of the JAT Pharma Handbook, developed an e-learning course for aspiring Pharma translators, and presented at pharma-specific JAT seminars and workshops.

While not sufficiently significant to warrant a line in Tony’s impressive CV, I personally attended a translator workshop created by Tony for JAT members and other translators at the University of Queensland in 2015. All Tony’s presentations are underpinned by deep knowledge of his specialty areas and the wider craft of translation as well as meticulous research. They are invariably informative, laced with humour, and dare I say, inspire participants to further polish their skills.

Having known Tony at a personal level, I know that he is a voracious reader, has some unusual interests that take him into the mountains and jungles of the former French Indochina, a staunchly loyal family man and a committed, supportive friend.

Given Tony’s track record in the wider profession, his two decades of contributions to JAT in particular, and the personal attributes outlined above, I can think of no better person to serve once more as a JAT Director.


Charles Aschmann / チャールズ・アッシュマン

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

I am running for the office of director primarily to provide continuity with the past few webmasters in upkeep and development of the JAT websites. I will be willing to take on other duties as needed since board members often wear multiple hats. I have worked with the current webmaster, help the tech team, am a list moderator, serve on the JATPATENT and JATTOOLS committees and was the webmaster for IJET-28. I previously served on the board as vice president and webmaster JAT fiscal years 2009-2012. I look forward to working with the current members of the board if elected.

Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) 丸岡英明

Charles Aschmannさんは、2013年6月まで、JATの副会長兼ウェブマスターとして、理事を担当されていました。一昨年からは、Charlieには、今年の4月にコロンバスで開催されたIJET-28のウェブマスターになっていただき、IJET-28のウェブサイトを作成していただきました。





Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) Paul Koehler

Charlie has been a long-time member of JAT and a previous board member. I first met him attending one of JAT's events in Japan, and he has been a consistent presence both on the organizing end as well as with presentations, specifically related to tools and their use in translation.

His extensive experience and relationships with people involved in the translation industry make him a perfect choice for the JAT board.

Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Chris Blakeslee

I had the pleasure of working with Charlie during three of my four years as a board member. His leadership in driving the rebuilding of the JAT website proved to be crucial. He was a tireless worker and contributed greatly to JAT's progress those years (2009 to 2012). Additionally, his many years of experience working with non-profits gave him a great toolset then, and this time around he also brings hands-on JAT director experience and the ability to enhance organizational memory. I heartily endorse Charlie's candidacy as a director.


James Singleton/ジェームス・シングルトン

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my candidacy to serve as a director on the JAT board. For more than 30 years JAT has served a vital in connecting the diverse community of translators, interpreters, and other linguists in Japan and abroad. I feel JAT’s importance has never been greater, particularly considering the rapid changes affecting the translating and interpreting industries from such factors as technological advancements and moves toward standardization. I have benefited immeasurably since joining JAT in 2013, and inspired by the many talented and dedicated volunteers I have met, I hope to apply my experience and knowledge to benefit my fellow members and the organization as a whole.

I have served as chair of the Content Committee for more than two years, and more recently as Special Interest Group and Regional Activity Committee Liaison. The SIGs and RACs are some of JAT’s greatest resources. The wide range of seminars, workshops, and other activities they offer enable JAT members to stay up to date with the latest industry developments, learn new skills, and network with colleagues. I feel, however, that these groups have only begun to scratch the surface of their potential, and as a director I will work closely with committee members and others to further boost the value SIGs and RACs provide JAT. In addition, I sincerely believe JAT is at its best when people get involved, and I hope to entice more people to share their experiences and know-how, such as through the JAT blog and as volunteers.

As JAT heads toward broader horizons, it would be an honor to help our linguistic community grow in size and impact.

Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Richard Medhurst

I have worked with James in the same company for three years. He shows a steady dedication to getting the job done, meeting every deadline and communicating effectively with others in both English and Japanese. As a member of the Tokyo Activities Committee, I also worked with him within JAT after he stepped up to take on the role of Content Committee Chair. Here too, he demonstrated his ability to maintain smooth connections between the committee and other JAT bodies. His affable nature and team spirit will continue to be assets to the organisation as a whole, so I have no hesitation in endorsing him for a full term as a JAT Director.

Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) 石崎彩子


Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Peter Durfee

As a JAT member in good standing, I hereby endorse James Singleton as a candidate for the JAT Board of Directors. I have worked with James for several years at Nippon.com, where we both translate in-house. He is a diligent worker who strives to improve his craft and to share feedback with the other translators we use on our projects. I know he has also been an active supporter of various JAT activities, attending and working at IJETs and other gatherings and serving on committees. I am certain his energy will be a valuable addition to the next JAT Board.


Christopher Blakeslee / クリストファー・ブレイクスリー

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文

After completing two terms as a JAT director from 2008 to 2012 (Treasurer the first year and Membership Secretary the last three), I had five years away from JAT management, but the vacation seems to have ended. I was recently asked to run by the nominating committee, specifically to take over the duties of Treasurer, and thinking that five years is enough time for a full recovery, here I am, ready to serve faithfully again, if elected. I have no major agenda, and will be content with maintaining proper oversight and control of JAT's finances.

Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) 遠藤安岐子


Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) Charles Aschmann

I am very happy to endorse Chris Blakeslee for JAT Board of Directors.
With his past experience on the board, he is an excellent choice. Having served with him on the board, I know that he will bring energy and integrity to any position he holds and work in the best interest of JAT. During our time together on the board Chris and I worked closely on website development and membership management. He not only put in time and effort but also was innovative, leaving JAT in a better place after serving. His finance background also puts him in a position to help JAT make the most of its money.
I am confident that he will be an asset to the board and encourage all to vote for him.

Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Frank Moorhead

I had the good fortune of having Chris as a fellow board member when I was a JAT Auditor, and was happy to hear he will be volunteering his time again. He has already proven his mettle as a JAT Director for four years, when he contributed greatly to the functioning of JAT, both behind the scenes and publicly as the Director in charge of Membership. I very much endorse his candidacy, and urge you to cast one of your valuable votes for Chris.


Candidate for auditor *監事の立候補者*

Naoko Selland / セランド修子, Ph.D.

Candidate Statement / 立候補者声明文






Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Sako Ikegami

I firmly believe Naoko Selland would be an excellent auditor for JAT.
I first had the pleasure of working with Naoko Selland on a consecutive interpretation assignment for discovery in preparation for a deposition. The content was pharmaceutical, which is my area of expertise, but at the time, I had no experience in legal or patent-related testimony. Naoko was not only professional throughout, but helped me gain confidence. It was a true pleasure working with her as she willingly shared her knowledge and skills to back me up in areas where I felt unsure, and encouraged me to do the same for her with the technical material where my background proved advantageous. She effectively mentored me through a process which could have been traumatic had it been with someone not as giving.

When she later formed her own agency, she asked me to sign up as an interpreter and I have enjoyed working for her. Her paperwork is meticulous, and her terms generous. When there is a need to take things up with the end client, she has always advocated for the interpreter, making certain that we get to work under the best conditions possible.
Despite her full schedule, she is always ready to help and a master of time-management.

JAT Board members must deal with many difficult situations, juggling personalities, time, and tempers for people who may not always play well with others. It is a thankless task, especially on a volunteer basis, and I am always truly grateful to my colleagues who offer to take on these roles. Oversight as an auditor, must be especially difficult since it requires an unbiased and critical eye, but I am certain that Naoko would be more than capable of doing a fantastic job in taking on these responsibilities.

Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) 丸岡英明





Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) 豊田真由美



