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この後、3月21日(23:59:59 JST)までが選挙運動期間です。
フォーラム (http://jat.org/forums/viewforum/3/ )で
委員長 川辺陽子
委員 トマス・カイザー
委員 ウェンディ・マックブライド
■ List of candidates / 立候補者一覧
Director / 理事:
Megumi Kimoto
Marian Kinoshita
Karen Sandness
Paul Koehler
Koji Himeno
Auditor / 監事:
Frank Moorhead
■ Candidate details / 立候補者の詳細
Name / お名前 Megumi Kimoto
Nationality / 国籍 日本
Gender / 性別 Female / 女性
Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Helen Iwata
Megumi Kimoto has amazed me since she joined the JAT Board last year and we started working together.
It’s hard to imagine a better candidate. Here are three reasons:
She’s responsive - JAT Directors communicate via an online forum with e-mails. Whenever someone seeks an opinion, Megumi is one of the first to respond. She has also served as a reliable liaison for members of the Tokyo Activities Committee (TAC) and translation contest judges and screeners.
She does her homework - whenever we need background information, Megumi quickly does the research and shares it with the rest of the Board. It saves us all a lot of time!
She speaks her mind - Megumi is relatively new to JAT. Despite that, or maybe because of that, she doesn’t take things at face value: she questions why we do things the way we do. This is great because it lends fresh perspective to those who have been around for a while and helps us to be sure that what we’re doing makes sense.
I’d be delighted to be able to serve with Megumi on the Board again this year!
Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) Charles Aschmann
Though my acquaintance with Megumi Kimoto has been relatively short, basically her year on the JAT Board, it is my pleasure to endorse her in her bid to be reelected to the board. I have been very impressed with the hard-working, no-nonsense and even-handed way that she has handled all of her tasks on the board. In her liaison activities, she makes sure TAC and the various people running the contest get what they need from the board. She has quietly learned the work of the treasurer, and always brings a firm but intelligent approach to discussions of the board. Her combination of hard work, willingness to participate and strength to stand up for her ideas and convictions, all with a pleasant demeanor and a desire to genuinely help the organization make her an excellent board member. It takes a certain amount of time to become familiar with the ins-and-outs of the board and how to get things done. Megumi has made the effort to do so. After a ye ar on the board Megumi is in a position to contribute even more in another term. I think it would greatly benefit JAT for her to be reelected.
Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) 千桝靖
Name / お名前 Marian Kinoshita
Nationality / 国籍 American
Gender / 性別 Female / 女性
Three years ago, I incorporated my own business after a dozen years’ translating experience in Japan. Being part of the JAT family has boosted my knowledge and wisdom, and has gifted me with precious friendships. After years of receiving, it is now my turn to give. JAT is, to me, about mentoring, sharing experiences, and creating a community in which we can grow as translators and interpreters. I will do my best to help JAT grow as well, encouraging more collaborative work between ourselves, heightening the quantity and quality of our product as professionals.
Although I have never served on the board of any group (other than as unofficial leader of JAT hikes in Kansai) I promise to make up for any lack of experience with goodwill and enthusiasm!
Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Catherine Nakamichi
I would be happy to support Marian with my testimonial.
Marian is a person I admire very much who has been involved in many JAT events as well as organizing unique events herself.
Marian is an active and very professional person with tremendous curiosity and gains the trust of those she works with.
She would be a great asset on the JAT Board.
Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) S. Patrick Eaton
I am pleased to offer my endorsement of Marian Kinoshita. I have had numerous opportunities to interact with Marian at JAT events over the past few years, and I think she would be a great contributor on the Board of Directors.
Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Alison Watts
I am delighted that Marian has decided to run for the board. I first met her through JAT, and consider myself fortunate to have developed both a professional and personal relationship with her over the years. As a result I can testify that she is dedicated, thorough and tenacious in professional matters, or whatever she chooses to turn her attention to, and has a great sense of humour to boot. I am sure all of these qualities will stand her in good stead as a board member. She has always been an enthusiastic supporter of JAT and I have no hesitation in endorsing her as a candidate for director.
Name / お名前 Karen Sandness
Nationality / 国籍 U.S. A.
Gender / 性別 Female / 女性
I am announcing my candidacy for one of the four open Directors’ positions on the JAT Board.
A full-time, free-lance translator since 1994, known for my unique sign-offs (see below), I was on the Board for two terms from 2004 to 2008. During that time, I first served as Membership Secretary and then became IJET Liaison. If elected, I would be happy to serve in either of these positions again or in any other job that the Board decided on.
Recent years have seen many positive developments in JAT, particularly the regional events such as the Projects and the pre-IJET seminars.
I am particularly interested in promoting even more continuing education for translators and further decentralization of JAT’s activities. For example, despite my fondness for the Tokyo-Yokohama area, I would like to see more regional Japanese cities and as-yet untried non-Japanese locations hosting IJETs, Projects, and seminars. This would increase the value of the organization to members outside the 首都圏.
I would also like to encourage groups of translators with special field-specific knowledge to put together and publish handbooks similar to the recently released handbook on pharmaceutical translation.
Thanks in advance to those who are willing to endorse me.
Forward steppingly yours,
Karen Sandness
Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Nora Stevens Heath
When Karen and I served as JAT directors together, I found her decisions to be consistently practical and well thought-out, a voice of reason in what could be a rather contentious Board. These qualities can also be found in Karen’s contributions to JAT-List, where she patiently and generously shares her language knowledge and veteran’s know-how with newcomers and old hands alike. It goes without saying that I very heartily endorse Karen Sandness’s candidacy for the JAT Board. I’m confident in her election and look forward to her service.
Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) Manako Ihaya
Karen has always been an active member in the Japanese-English translators' community, including having served on the JAT Board for two terms, from 2004 to 2008. I had the pleasure of working with Karen when I joined the Board in 2006, and can tell you that Karen's always calm, reasonable voice played an important role in keeping the Board focused on issues at hand. She also takes action when required. She took the initiative to help personally with the IJET in Bath, UK, by taking a day out of her personal trip in England to meet with the head of the IJET-18 committee and tour the proposed facilities to report back to the Board, ensuring IJET's success. I believe her representing JAT as a Board member again would greatly benefit JAT.
Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Jeremy Angel
Having never served, I feel a little awkward endorsing others, but I just want to say that Karen would get my vote any time.
I met her very, very briefly in Seattle last year, and know her mostly through her delightfully signatured posts to the JAT List etc. over the years.
There is always something to learn from anything Karen writes, and I know from her posts alone that that she is someone who, if chosen, will give the job her all.
Name / お名前 Paul Koehler
Nationality / 国籍 USA
Gender / 性別 Male / 男性
I’d like to announce my candidacy for the JAT Board of Directors.
My name is Paul Koehler, and I am a relative newcomer to JAT, having joined in 2009. I have been a freelance translator since that time and have most recently been involved with planning PROJECT Nagoya 2011.
While I am the newest out of all the candidates, I am putting my name forward for several reasons:
1. JAT has been the main catalyst for my translation career, and I am extremely thankful to the organization for this. I feel that serving on the board would be a way to pay back for that help, in addition to learning a little more about the organization itself.
2. I feel that JAT’s ability to get translators started is an extremely strong asset, and as a relatively new member I would be able to communicate this clearly to any new members.
3. Like Karen Sandness mentioned earlier, I have been happy with the development of PROJECT and pre-IJET seminars. They have been a wonderful way to offer events outside of the Kanto area. While I have traveled quite a lot to attend events in both Tokyo and Osaka, one of the main reasons I wanted to help run PROJECT Nagoya was to attract new members from different areas. I feel that this will be a way to grow JAT even further in the future.
4. What Helen Iwata said in her testimonial: “It doesn’t get easier, it just gets later.” I hesitated about joining the PROJECT Nagoya 2011 team at first, although joining was a wonderful decision. I hope doing this will be the same.
I look forward to the challenge!
Paul Koehler
Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Koji Himeno
Paul Koehlerさんを推薦します。 Koehlerさんとは名古屋プロジェクトで広報として微力ながら一緒にお手伝いさせて頂きました。推薦する理由は以下のとおりです。
Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) Phil Robertson
Endorsing Paul Koehler:
I endorse Paul Koehler as a candidate for director on account of his excellent work as a PROJECT Nagoya committee member, his refreshing articulacy, and his bravery in stepping forward after a relatively brief time as a JAT member.
I am confident that he will provide a most welcome infusion of talent and energy to the Board.
Phil Robertson
Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Paul Flint
I endorse Mr. Koehler.
Name / お名前 Koji Himeno
Nationality / 国籍 日本
Gender / 性別 Male / 男性
JAT現理事で広報を担当している姫野 幸司(Himeno Koji)です。1年任期の理事として就任し、未熟ながらも1年間広報を務めさせて頂きました。しかし、やり残した仕事もあること、またJATの新たな道筋をつけたいと思い、再度立候補することを決意しました。
1. 各委員会やIJET並びにPROJECT運営委員会の自主性を尊重すること(自主判断枠の大幅な拡大)
2. JAT会員の増強と会員メリットを強化すること(生活翻訳者としての地位向上、仕事情報の積極的な提供、研修活動の強化等)
3. 会員メリットを強化するには現在のNPOでは限界があるため、NPOから一般社団法人への組織転換を検討し、その道筋をつけること。
4. 対外的
(Statement exceeded the character limit. The first 600 characters are shown; see the forum for the full statement)
Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Ko Iwata
Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) Charles Aschmann
Endorsement of Koji Himeno,
Last year I endorsed Himeno-san on the basis of his hard and enthusiastic work on the IJET in Miyazaki and the cooperation we developed as I supported that effort as webmaster. This year I can endorse him for his hard work on the board, particularly as regards PR for JAT. This is one area that has often not seen enough attention, but Himeno-san has managed to open new areas for JAT and new avenues to get the word out about the organization. Our current board tends to work separately on our assignments and then bring the results to the board as a whole. Himeno-san has worked within this system and produced excellent results. I have no doubt that he will be able to contribute even more if elected to another term.
Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Shunichi Nagae
Name / お名前 Frank Moorhead
Nationality / 国籍 UK
Gender / 性別 Male / 男性
I have decided to run for a second term as Auditor to ensure the ongoing revisions to JAT’s Constitution (定款) and Bylaws move to a satisfactory conclusion. When I first stood for this office in 2010, I had little knowledge of the regulations that govern JAT or the inner workings of the Board, but pledged to make every effort to acquire the necessary information very quickly if I was elected. I believe I have done this, with a great deal of help from my fellow Auditor, Emily Shibata-Sato, and current and previous members of the Board of Directors.
The Auditors’ job is to ensure the Board conducts its activities fairly and transparently in accordance with the Teikan and Bylaws and, if called upon, to inject balance into Board discussions from a neutral, objective perspective. The Auditors must also ensure that all JAT’s financial dealings are fair and above board. My experience in serving on various committees at several non-translation-related organizations as well as running a couple of small companies has helped me make what I consider to be a sold contribution over the past two years.
Under Helen Iwata, the current Board is the most dynamic I have experienced since I joined JAT. Revising the Teikan and Bylaws is just one of the many major tasks that the Board has undertaken during my tenure. I believe we are well on the way to resolving once and for all some of the important long-standing problems facing JAT, and I would like to continue helping JAT achieve as many of its objectives as possible over the next two years.
Frank Moorhead, Tokyo, March 2012
Endorser 1 / 推薦人(1) Alison Watts
I have known Frank Moorhead for six years through JAT and my work in the Tokyo Activities Committee. I have no hesitation in endorsing him as a candidate for a second term as Auditor. I know that during his first term he put enormous time and effort into becoming familiar with JAT’s constitution and bylaws in order to assist with the revision of these and carry out the work of auditor diligently. I believe him to have the best interests of JAT at heart, and that having gained a thorough working knowledge of the organization during his first term, JAT could only be better off for his continued presence as Auditor in a second term.
Endorser 2 / 推薦人(2) Charles Aschmann
Endorsement by Charles Aschmann
I honestly do not remember when I first met Frank Moorhead. It was some time ago – probably longer ago than either Frank or I would like to admit. For many years we have talked at JAT gatherings sometimes by e-mail, mostly about technology for translation work. He has always had interesting and insightful observations and is always a pleasant companion. When he was elected Auditor two years ago, I got to see another side of Frank. The manner in which he has been the shepherd for a badly needed overhaul of the JAT Bylaws has been stupendous. It has been a massive undertaking, and Frank kept us focused on the task. The ongoing work being done on the JAT Constitution to come into compliance with new law and regulations will also greatly benefit from his steady hand. This work might be considered above and beyond the call of duty for an auditor, but Frank has done a wonderful job of helping make sure the board gets this important work done. It has gone hand in hand with his studying these documents to give the board guidance it needs in making its decisions in compliance with these governing rules, auditing elections and other auditor duties. He has the knowledge and ability to carry out those duties with assurance and keep the board aware of its boundaries, duties and requirements. I cannot imagine a person in a better position to perform duties of JAT Auditor and feel that JAT will greatly benefit from his being reelected.
Endorser 3 / 推薦人(3) Phil Robertson
Endorsing Frank Moorhead:
In four years as director/vice-president of JAT, I served with around 20 other directors and half a dozen auditors. The importance of the role of auditor to the Board is highly underrated. It is a crucial job, which involves keeping the directors focused on what they should and should not be doing, and mediating between the radically differing personalities involved.
Frank was by far the best auditor I served with, by virtue of his intellect, his ability to focus on the task at hand, his tenacity, and his diplomatic skills. This was particularly evident in his stewardship of the highly complex task of redrafting the JAT Bylaws—a process which required many iterations. He essentially drove this process forward single-handedly, as other Board members’ attention was from time to time distracted by other issues.
JAT needs people of Frank’s calibre if it is to make progress as an organization with a coherent voice and clearly defined objectives. Since such people seem to be in short supply (or at least generally unwilling to stand for election), I have no hesitation in strongly recommending to my fellow JAT members that they cast a vote for Frank Moorhead for auditor in the 2012 JAT election.
Phil Robertson