News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Thank you very much for your great interest in eJuku.
We have received more than enough applications for this eJuku, and are closing the Call.
Announcing JAT Spring 2021 J>E eJuku
We are pleased to announce that the next JAT eJuku session will be held as indicated below. For general information on eJuku, please visit the webpage "What is e-Juku?"
Seventeenth Annual JAT Contest: Translations of Award Winners and Finalists
Translations of award-winners and finalists (Japanese-to-English Contest)
Seventeenth Annual JAT Contest: Commentaries from the Judges 2
Seventeenth Annual JAT Contest: Commentaries from the Judges 2
Ruth McCreery
Seventeenth Annual JAT Contest: Commentaries from the Judges 1
Judges Commentaries (Japanese-to-English Division)
James Davis
Ken Wagner
Seventeenth Annual JAT Contest Winners
The winners of the Seventeenth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese<>English Translators have been selected as follows:
Seventeenth Annual JAT Contest: Source Texts and Guidelines (OCT. 1–31, 2020)
Contest Guidelines
This contest is open to anyone with less than total three years’ experience as a professional translator. JAT membership not required. Previous entrants (except winners) are welcome to enter again.
Seventeenth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese/English Translators
Seeking to encourage talented people to enter the translation field, JAT is pleased to announce its seventeenth annual Japanese <> English translation contest for new and aspiring translators. The actual passage to be translated is a real-life text—the sort of thing a working commercial translator might well be called upon to do.
Motions and Documentation for 2020 Ordinary General Meeting
To: All Members, Japan Association of Translators (JAT)
The Japan Association of Translators' Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) will be held online on Sunday, June 21, 2020, 9:00 – 10:00 pm JST.
This OGM will conducted entirely online; therefore, we ask that whether or not you can attend the OGM, PLEASE submit an absentee ballot or appoint another member or the attending auditor as a proxy. The proxy form normally takes no longer than 1 minute to complete. Forms must be submitted no later than 21:00 JST on June 20, 2020.
2020 JAT Elections: Call for Candidates
Fellow JAT members,
JAT’s 2020 Election is about to begin, and we encourage you to take part—either by running for a position on the board or voting for candidates you think will do an excellent job at running JAT. To review how many positions are open, who is up for re-election, etc., please take a look at the initial announcement (must log in).