



English, Japanese


English, Japanese


​法務関係(Legal):契約書(合弁、売買、ファイナンス契約)およびLOI, HOA等の関係書面,規則、規程(Documents relating to legal matters including agreement, LOI HOA and other business transaction. Contracts included Joint Venture, Purchase and Sale and Financing, Rules and Regulations)

その他ビジネス関係レター、書面(Other business letter and English documents


​1980年 某非鉄金属上場会社入社(Joined a publicly listed non-ferrous metals company("Company"))

1980-1983 企業法務等(Corporate legal matters)

1983-4 米国ロースクール修士(Obtained Master's Degree of a United States Law school)

1985-1989 裁判対応(米国医師の証人の日本の裁判への招請と証言のための対応担当)(In charge of certain litigation which required the testimony from a doctor in the United States School of Medicine and reviewing certain related medical articles for that purpose and assisted the preparation for the witness statement.)

1989-2005 企業法務および合弁契約他各種英文契約の作成と交渉(In charge of corporate legal matters and joint venture agreement and its related various agreement in English)

2005-2020 鉱山プロジェクト権益の取得、DD,探鉱JV契約の作成、チェック、交渉、南太平洋の国における裁判(Drafting and checking contract regarding mining project interest acquisition, exploration joint venture agreement. Litigation in the countries of a South Pacific country.

2020 某非鉄金属上場会社退職(Retired the Company)

Through these activities, I involved in the translation of English legal documents including but not limited to contract, briefing to the lawyers and contacted with outside translation outside.