Seeking to encourage talented people to enter the translation field, JAT is pleased to announce its 21st annual Japanese <> English translation contest for new and aspiring translators. The actual passage to be translated is a real-life text—the sort of thing a working commercial translator might well be called upon to do.Open to: Anyone with less than three years’ experience as a...
タイトル:『法律英語から見る法律翻訳』著者:山本志織出版社:Independently published (2024/7/1)カテゴリー:翻訳 外国法 本の翻訳・執筆・編集に関わったJAT会員名:山本志織(執筆)内容紹介:本書では、法律事務所で20年近くの翻訳経験のある著者により、法律英語・法律翻訳のコツが、以下の章立てで、たくさんのコラムやエッセイを通して、具体例とともに、読みやすくまとめられている。・「法律英語から見る法律翻訳~104個のコラム~」・「英文契約の全体像から見る法律翻訳」・「英文契約条項から見る法律翻訳」・「エッセイから見る法律翻訳」
As of July 1st, the JAT organization has changed. The updated list of JAT directors and auditors is as follows:Sakigake Kamimura (President)Yukari Watanabe(Vice-President),Chris CraigoHana RansomHeidi KarinoMaddy ShimizuPhil RobertsonRie SakaguchiShoji Miyata Yumeko FutakiAuditors: Nora HeathChieko TamakawaWe are planning to announce each director's role at the end of this month.We will do our...
The Japanese version is the original and the English translation is for information purposes only.
The Japan Association of Translators wishes to express its strong
reservations regarding the public and private sector initiative to use
AI for high-volume translation and export of manga.
First, in its current form, AI translation has yet to demonstrate the
level of quality required to...
The JAT Elections Committee can now report this year’s election results.
We are happy to announce that Madelein Shimizu, Yumeko Futaki, Yukari Watanabe, Chris Craigo, and Hana Ransom have been elected as director with 100 votes, 98 votes, 102 votes, 95 votes, and 101 votes, respectively (in order of registration).
Nora Heath has been elected as auditor with 112 votes.
We would like to thank the...
To: All Japan Association of Translators (JAT) MembersYou are invited to the Japan Association of Translators’ Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) to be held online on June 15, 2024. Proposed motions and supporting documentation will be available for your review on the JAT website beginning on June 4, 2024.AgendaFY 2023 Business reportFY 2023 Financial statements / Auditors’ report on validity of...
Dear JAT Members,
The 2024 JAT Election Committee would like to announce this year’s candidates for Director and Auditor positions.
List of Candidates (in order of registration)(Candidate details appear at the end of this announcement.)
・ ヒース ノーラ / Nora Stevens Heath (auditor)・ 清水 マデリン / Madelein Shimizu (director)・ 二木 夢子 / Yumeko Futaki (director)・ 渡邉 ユカリ / Yukari Watanabe (director)・ クレイゴ クリス...
Dear JAT members,
The JAT Anthology wants to hear from you. Not only that, we want to help the whole world hear from you, assuming what you say is about translation/interpretation.
We would like to ask you to share your experiences, difficulties, and opinions on translation and interpretation. Last year saw the introduction of the invoice system in Japan, the accelerating depreciation of the...
Fellow JAT members,
JAT’s 2024 Election is about to begin, and we encourage you to take part by running for a position on the board to help make JAT an even better organization.
To review how many positions are open, who is up for re-election, etc., please take a look at the initial announcement ( ). In a nutshell, we can elect up to 7 directors and...
We asked the current Board to share a few words on their experience as directors. We hope it will help you in deciding to run for the board. If you have any further questions, feel free to get in touch with any of the directors.
by Heidi Karino (President, Membership Director) [email protected]
The Membership director is the first point of contact for JAT members. The role has...
Fellow JAT members,
Greetings from the JAT Election Committee! The 2024 JAT election is drawing near.
Announcements concerning the election will be delivered by send-only e-mail, like this message, and clicking the reply to button will not work. Please direct any queries to [email protected].
To make it easier than ever to run for office, only one endorsement is required. And directors seeking...
We are pleased to announce that the next JAT eJuku session will be held as indicated below. For general information on eJuku, please visit the webpage What is e-Juku?
Spring 2024 J>E eJuku session
- Language direction: Japanese to English
- Format: online forum discussion and series of videoconferences
- Period: mid-April through May 2024 (see below)
- Fees: None
- Eligibility:
1. JAT...
Jim Davis
General Comments
The process of translation can be broadly divided into two distinct steps: comprehension (i.e., grasping the meaning) of the source text and expression (i.e., using appropriate words and phrases to render that meaning) in the target language. The relative strengths of an individual in these two areas vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors. In...
Ruth McCreery
General Comments
“Complete, accurate, and as natural as possible”: those are the goals set for those tackling this translation. “Complete” basically asks that you be thorough and take care not to skip things (especially the head-scratching bits). “Accurate” can have many meanings (we have all encountered someone who insists など must be always translated, and must be translated as...
(Continued from Part 1)
Once they are paired with technology like 3D printers, AI will likely be able to single-handedly create objects both small and large such as furniture on the spot.
I am sure that when E42 was planning this sentence, he meant to write something like, ‘AI will likely help people to create …,’ which would have been a good translation. Somehow, however, ‘people’ got lost...
Henry Smith
General Comments
When Professor Tomohiro Inoue wrote our source text last summer, I doubt he was thinking about translators, but this text could have been tailor made as a test for us. We must seamlessly incorporate a flirting couple, employment statistics, Vincent van Gogh, and the state of Japanese education into an engaging and coherent message on the economic prospects offered...