621 results found.

2024 JAT Election: Call for Candidates News

Fellow JAT members, JAT’s 2024 Election is about to begin, and we encourage you to take part by running for a position on the board to help make JAT an even better organization. To review how many positions are open, who is up for re-election, etc., please take a look at the initial announcement ( https://jat.org/news/title_2024_jat_election ). In a nutshell, we can elect up to 7 directors and...


Message from the Current Board of Directors Blog

We asked the current Board to share a few words on their experience as directors. We hope it will help you in deciding to run for the board. If you have any further questions, feel free to get in touch with any of the directors. Membership by Heidi Karino (President, Membership Director) [email protected] The Membership director is the first point of contact for JAT members. The role has...


2024 JAT Election News

Fellow JAT members, Greetings from the JAT Election Committee! The 2024 JAT election is drawing near. Announcements concerning the election will be delivered by send-only e-mail, like this message, and clicking the reply to button will not work. Please direct any queries to [email protected]. To make it easier than ever to run for office, only one endorsement is required. And directors seeking...


JATPATENT Online Seminar Report (April 12, 2024) Blog

JATPATENT委員で特許翻訳者・工学博士の杉山範雄さんをお迎えして、『機械翻訳と原文一括置換を併用した明細書翻訳』というテーマでお話しいただきました。秀丸テキストエディタとマクロ機能、Google翻訳を駆使して、素早くミスなく、1日5000ワードの英和翻訳を行う手法をご紹介いただきました。プレゼン前半では、Word←→秀丸間での作業、後半ではTrados←→秀丸間での作業のデモがありました。 20年以上かけて秀丸エディタにさまざまな自作マクロやGoogle翻訳機能を組み込まれたとのことで、杉山さんのオリジナルな作業環境を見せていただきました。ベテラン特許翻訳者が実際にどのように作業を行っているのかを垣間見ることができる貴重な機会でした。 これほどまでの作り込みを完全にマネすることは難しいとは思いますが、杉山さんのデモを通じて、日々の仕事に活かせるヒントが得られたのではないかと...


Announcing Spring 2024 J>E eJuku Workshop News

We are pleased to announce that the next JAT eJuku session will be held as indicated below. For general information on eJuku, please visit the webpage What is e-Juku? Spring 2024 J>E eJuku session - Language direction: Japanese to English
 - Format: online forum discussion and series of videoconferences
 - Period: mid-April through May 2024 (see below)
 - Fees: None - Eligibility:
 1. JAT...


Twentieth Annual JAT Contest: Commentaries from the Judges Part 4 News

Jim Davis General Comments The process of translation can be broadly divided into two distinct steps: comprehension (i.e., grasping the meaning) of the source text and expression (i.e., using appropriate words and phrases to render that meaning) in the target language. The relative strengths of an individual in these two areas vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors. In...


Twentieth Annual JAT Contest: Commentaries from the Judges Part 3 News

Ruth McCreery General Comments “Complete, accurate, and as natural as possible”: those are the goals set for those tackling this translation. “Complete” basically asks that you be thorough and take care not to skip things (especially the head-scratching bits). “Accurate” can have many meanings (we have all encountered someone who insists など must be always translated, and must be translated as...


Twentieth Annual JAT Contest: Commentaries from the Judges Part 2 News

(Continued from Part 1) Once they are paired with technology like 3D printers, AI will likely be able to single-handedly create objects both small and large such as furniture on the spot. I am sure that when E42 was planning this sentence, he meant to write something like, ‘AI will likely help people to create …,’ which would have been a good translation. Somehow, however, ‘people’ got lost...


Twentieth Annual JAT Contest: Commentaries from the Judges Part 1 News

Henry Smith General Comments When Professor Tomohiro Inoue wrote our source text last summer, I doubt he was thinking about translators, but this text could have been tailor made as a test for us. We must seamlessly incorporate a flirting couple, employment statistics, Vincent van Gogh, and the state of Japanese education into an engaging and coherent message on the economic prospects offered...


Twentieth Annual JAT Contest: Translations of Award Winners and Finalists News

Finalists: E05 Matthew Cooper (Scotland)  E20 Ken Nemoto (Tokyo)  E42 Faolan Ayres (Australia) FinalistsRunner-up: E51 Faye Duxovni (US)Winner: E46 Chris Craigo (US)The source text is here FINALISTS E05 Matthew Cooper Column on Current Events 2023The economy of ‘idea to product’ made possible by AIEconomist Tomohiro Inoue The now much-discussed language-generation AI ChatGPT can not only...


Two JAT Members Won 8th JLPP International Translation Competition News

The Japanese Literature Publishing Project (JLPP) was founded in 2002 by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs(文化庁), to promote awareness and appreciation of contemporary Japanese literature. The JLPP started the International Translation Competition in 2011 with a view to discovering and fostering brilliant translators who can help introduce and spread modern Japanese literature throughout...


Twentieth Annual JAT Contest Winners News

The winners of the Twentieth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese<>English Translators have been selected as follows: Japanese to English Contest Winner: E46 Chris Craigo (US) Runner-up: E51 Faye Duxovni (US) Finalists: E05 Matthew Cooper (Scotland) E20 Ken Nemoto (Tokyo) E42 Faolan Ayres (Australia) English to Japanese Contest 1位 J79 讃井一郎 (東京都) 2位 J89 古賀彩美(千葉県) ファイナリスト J50...


Condolences for the Victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake News

The Japan Association of Translators would like to express our heartfelt condolences to the families of those who perished in the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, which occurred on New Year’s Day, as well as to the families of the five members of the Japan Coast Guard who died the following day in the plane crash at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, while responding to the earthquake.Our hearts also go out to...


Twentieth Annual JAT Contest Finalists News

There were 66 entrants in the Japanese-to-English Division, and 84 in the English-to-Japanese Division of the Twentieth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese/English Translators. The finalists have been decided as follows:Japanese to English Division: E05, E20, E42, E46 and E51English to Japanese Division: J50, J51, J64, J79 and J89First- and second-place winners will be announced...


『ネコ全史 君たちはなぜそんなに愛されるのか』(原書:National Geographic Secret Life of Cats) Members in Print

タイトル: 『ネコ全史 君たちはなぜそんなに愛されるのか』 (原書:National Geographic Secret Life of Cats) 著者: ナショナル ジオグラフィック (編集) 出版社: 日経ナショナル ジオグラフィック カテゴリー: 実用書 本の翻訳・執筆・編集に関わったJAT会員名: 矢能 千秋...


お知らせ News

近年、「簡単に翻訳者になることができる。高収入を得られる」などの宣伝文句で受講者を集める翻訳の学校、講座等が出現し、「宣伝内容と実際の講座等の内容が異なる。宣伝内容に虚偽が含まれていた」などの理由で、受講者と業者との間のトラブルに発展した事例が報告されています。 さらに、近時、「AIを使った翻訳なので語学力不問で翻訳者になれる」と宣伝する翻訳の学校、講座等が出現し、同様のトラブルに発展することが危惧されています。 「AIを使うと語学力不問でプロの翻訳者になれる」という宣伝文句の根拠はまったく示されていません。...


Translator Perspectives 2023 Now Available News

JAT is pleased to announce this year's anthology of insightful essays, Translator Perspectives 2023, is available on the website. Translators and interpreters working between Japanese and English face myriad problems on a daily basis. Some of them have routine solutions. Many do not. While the internet is a treasure trove of information resources, we still have to understand how to find and use...


JATPHARMA 2023年秋 関西セミナー開催報告 Blog

2023年10月15日(日)に京都で「JATPHARMA 2023年秋...


Interview with 19th Annual Translation Contest Winners Blog

Interview with Rebecca Gade, 19th Annual Translation Contest Winner With the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) Twentieth Annual Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese<>English Translators underway, we spoke to last year’s winner of the Japanese to English contest, Rebecca Gade, to find out what it takes to stand out in this event. Tell us about yourself and how you got into...


Twentieth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese<>English Translators (Oct. 1-31) Source Text and Guidelines News

There were 66 entrants in the Japanese-to-English Division and 84 in the English-to-Japanese Division of the 20th Annual JAT Contest.IDs have been sent to all participants. If you have not received yours, please contact [email protected] (Nov. 10) Registration closed (Nov.1) Contest Guidelines This contest is open to anyone with less than three years’ experience as a professional translator...