610 results found.

Volunteer Shortage at JAT News

JAT is currently experiencing a shortage in volunteers. We an organization built on the contribution of our members. The more people volunteer, the more we can do. Conversely, the less volunteers we have, the less we can do. Many of our activities are at risk of being seriously reduced, or halted altogether. But volunteering is not only a way to give back to JAT and the translation community....


Nineteenth Annual JAT Contest Winners News

The winners of the Nineteenth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese<>English Translators have been selected as follows: Japanese to English Contest Winner: E42 Rebecca Gade (Miyagi) Runner-up: E32 Rebecca Black (NJ) Finalists: E02 Matthew Cooper (UK) E46 Kyotaro Harano (Tokyo) E52 Mark Scott (UK) E56 Chris Craigo (OH) English to Japanese...


Nineteenth Annual JAT Contest Finalists News

There were 71 entrants in the Japanese-to-English Division, and 84 in the English-to-Japanese Division of the Nineteenth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese/English Translators. The finalists have been decided as follows: English to Japanese Division: E02 E32 E42 E46 E52 E56 Japanese to English Division: J17 J43 J80 J87 J89First- and second-place winners will be announced by...


Translator Perspectives 2023 Publications


Translator Perspectives 2022 Publications


JAT ProJECT 2022: Reconnect News

Registration is open and, thanks to the presenters’ prompt replies, a tentative schedule has been decided! 登録がオープンになりました! 講演者のご協力のおかげで、スケジュール(仮)が決定になりました。


Nineteenth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese<>English Translators(Oct. 1-31) Source Text and Guidelines News

Contest Guidelines This contest is open to anyone with less than three years’ experience as a professional translator including students. JAT membership not required. Previous entrants (except winners) are welcome to enter again. Japanese-to-English ContestDownload the source text from here Nov. 21: There were 71 entrants in the Japanese-to-English Division and 84 in the English-to-Japanese...


Nineteenth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Japanese<>English Translators News

Seeking to encourage talented people to enter the translation field, JAT is pleased to announce its nineteenth annual Japanese &lt;&gt; English translation contest for new and aspiring translators. The actual passage to be translated is a real-life text—the sort of thing a working commercial translator might well be called upon to do. Open to: Anyone with less than three years’ experience as a...


Anthology: Deadline extended to Sep. 5! News

Dear JAT members, Great news! The deadline for JAT Anthology 2022 has been extended. We received messages from some JAT members, wishing a due extension. This year we called for submission one month later than usual, so Anthology committee discussed and decided to accept these requests to extend submissions until September 5th. Anyone who missed the deadline, you’ve got another 1 month to...


The Sea of Japan: Unraveling the Mystery of Its Hidden Depths Members in Print

The Sea of Japan: Unraveling the Mystery of Its Hidden Depths By Gamo Toshitaka Translated by Gen Del Raye Edited by Rick Weisburd Published by JPIC | ISBN 978-4-86658-129-3 (Hardcover) | 192 pages | 210mm (h) x 148mm (w) | March 2021 About the Book Why is the Sea of Japan garnering the attention of oceanographers and nature lovers from around the world? Among other surprises, the Sea of Japan...


Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy: From Serendipity to Cure Members in Print

Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy: From Serendipity to Cure By Honjo Tasuku Translated by Andrew Gonzalez Published by JPIC | ISBN 978-4-86658-176-7 (Hardcover) | 168 pages | 210mm (h) x 148mm (w) | March 2021 About the Book Cancer immunotherapy with anti-PD-1 antibodies has fundamentally changed the way we think about cancer treatment. As Honjo Tasuku traces the arc of his research from a...


Kyoto A Literary Guide Members in Print

Title: Kyoto A Literary GuideWritten &amp; Translated by: John Dougill, Paul Carty, Joe Cronin, Itsuyo Higashinaka, Michael Lambe, David McCulloughPublished by: Camphor PressAbstract: This fascinating selection of Kyoto-specific literature takes readers through twelve centuries of cultural heritage, from ancient Heian beginnings to contemporary depictions. The city's aesthetic leaning is...


『サートフード・ダイエット あなたが持っている「痩せ遺伝子」を刺激する方法』 Members in Print

タイトル: 『サートフード・ダイエット あなたが持っている「痩せ遺伝子」を刺激する方法』 (原書:The Sirtfood Diet: THE ORIGINAL AND OFFICIAL SIRTFOOD DIET THAT'S TAKEN THE CELEBRITY WORLD BY STORM) 著者: エイダン・ゴギンズ (著)、グレン・マッテン (著) 出版社: 光文社 カテゴリー: 実用書 本の翻訳・執筆・編集に関わったJAT会員名: 矢能 千秋...


2022 JAT Ordinary General Meeting (June 26, 2022) News

To: All Japan Association of Translators (JAT) Members You are invited to the Japan Association of Translators’ Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) to be held online at 9:00 pm JST on June 26, 2022. Proposed motions and supporting documentation are available for your review on the JAT Bulletin (login required) . Agenda FY 2021 Business reportFY 2021 Financial statements / Auditors’ report on...


[2022 JAT Election] Candidate Announcement News

Dear JAT Members, The 2022 JAT Election Committee would like to announce this year’s candidates for Director. List of Candidates (Candidate details appear at the end of this announcement.) ・ 二木 夢子 / Yumeko Futaki (director)・ シグマン アリソン / Allyson Sigman (director)・ 渡邉ユカリ / Yukari Watanabe (director)・ スティーブンス・ヒース ノラ / Nora Stevens Heath (auditor) We would like to express our thanks to the...


Blog Entries by Current Board Members News

The candidacy registration period for the 2022 Board Election is currently underway (ends May 27). [Form closed] For those of you who are wondering what the Board members do during their tenure, the President and a Director of the current Board have written up a blog entry, describing their responsibilities as well as experience they gained thus far. https://jat.org/blog/experienc... (in...


JAT理事を通して得た経験 - 2 - 宮原健 Blog

私は2019年時点で会員になってまだ2年目でしたが、思い切って2019年~2021年期で理事を務めたことはとても良い経験になりました。 在宅翻訳を専業にすると、企業では日常的に起こる、仲間と連携して物事を進めるという経験の機会が(仕事内容や業務形態により状況は異なるものの)少なくなりがちです。そうした環境を好んで在宅翻訳を仕事にする方もいるとは思いますが、人と一緒に話を進める仕事は、自主勉強する中で得るものとはまた別の、話し合うからこそ出てくる思いつきや新しい発見があります。 理事はSIGs/RACsや会員獲得、各種渉外リエゾン、財務、バックエンドのITサポートなど色々な業務を分担することになりますが、担当の範囲でも影響の大きなものは自分だけで判断を下さず皆で話し合いをします。私自身自分の強みを生かせると思って財務担当に立候補し、業務範疇で小さな改善をしてはいますが、たとえばOGMで...


JAT理事を通して得た経験 - 1 - 小泉志保 Blog

2018年に理事に就任し、今年度(2022年)で任期満了となります。4年間で、法務、書記、JTFリエゾン、雑誌「通訳翻訳ジャーナル」を発行するイカロス社とのリエゾンなどを主に担当しました。法務業務は毎年の総会準備やそれに伴う手続き、選挙委員会の運営、理事長交代時の手続き、理事変更時の手続き、定款等変更時の手続き等を行います。書記業務は、1年に2回行われる理事会での議事録の作成や名刺の発注などを主に担当します。リエゾン業務は、主に外部団体・会社との窓口係です。これらの業務は単独で行うものもあれば、チーム制を組んで複数のメンバーと共同で行い、問題が発生した場合は他の理事とも相談しているので、ひとりで抱え込むことはありません。 理事になってよかったことは、やはり世界中の同業者との繋がりを得られたことでしょうか。私の専門は医学・医薬翻訳ですが、専門以外の翻訳者さんたちとも出会うことができたこ...


[2022 JAT Election] Call for Candidates News

Fellow JAT members, JAT’s 2022 Election is about to begin, and we encourage you to take part—either by running for a position on the board or voting for candidates you think will do an excellent job at running JAT. To review how many positions are open, who is up for re-election, etc., please take a look at the initial announcement https://jat.org/forums/2022_ja... (must log in). In a nutshell,...



Dear JAT members, The JAT Anthology wants to hear from you. Not only that, we want to help the whole world hear from you, assuming what you say is about translation/ interpretation. It is now the third year since the pandemic began. The emergence of new COVID-19 variants doesn’t free us from all anxiety, yet we have to live a life. Amid restrictions, firms increasingly resume to their...