610 results found.

From the Archives: The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Do You See It Yet? Blog

The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Do You See It Yet? Larry Brouhard At our annual Christmas Party last year I received a card with the following message: This may be the last time I attend your Christmas Party as the president of my own translation company. Of course, it may be the last Christmas Party you give as president of your own company. Who says translators don't have a sense of...


From the Archives: The Challenges of Translating a Best-selling Nonfiction Work Blog

In memory of Geraldine Harcourt, who passed away in New Zealand last month, we republish an interview with Geraldine from JAT Bulletin 182 of May 2000. The Challenges of Translating a Best-selling Nonfiction Work by Geraldine Harcourt This month Geraldine Harcourt (winner of the 1990 Wheatland Translation Prize) has generously agreed to answer some questions about her latest project, the...


Motions and Documentation for 2019 Ordinary General Meeting News

Motions and Documentation for 2019 Ordinary General Meeting To: All Japan Association of Translators (JAT) Members I would like to invite you to the Japan Association of Translators' Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) to be held on June 29, 2019 at Cairns Convention Centre. Date and time of OGM: Saturday, June 29, 2019, 4:30 - 5:30 pm Place of OGM: Room 2 CCC, Cairns Convention Centre, Cnr Wharf...


IJET app now available News

For the first time ever, IJET will feature its own mobile phone app! The IJET conference app is now available to download from the App Store or Google Play. https://ijet.jat.org/news/event_app_now_available Standard registration for IJET-30 is about to end. Don't miss your chance to snap up a ticket while you can! Regular ticket sales end June 19th. https://ijet.jat.org/register


2019 JAT Election Results News

Fellow JAT members, We are pleased to announce the results of the 2019 JAT election. A big thank you to this year’s candidates and to everyone who voted. Congratulations and best of luck in the coming two years to the elected Directors and Auditor, who are to be approved by the membership at the OGM. WINNING CANDIDATES: Auditor (2-year term) Naoko Selland Directors (2-year terms) Charles...


Announcement of 2019 Ordinary General Meeting of the Japan Association of Translators News

To: All Japan Association of Translators (JAT) Members You are invited to the Japan Association of Translators’ Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) to be held in Cairns, Australia, at 4:30 pm on June 29, 2019. Proposed motions and supporting documentation will be available for your review on the JAT website beginning on June 20, 2019. Agenda FY 2018 Business report FY 2018 Financial statements...



Dear JAT Members, The 2019 JAT Board Election will officially start on June 7, 2019 (0:00:00 JST). Please take the time to vote and choose those who will help run JAT for the next two years. This year we have 6 people running for director to fill 8 possible director openings, and 1 person running to fill 1 auditor opening. Please use the following link to cast your vote. (You need to login...


JAT 2019 Elections - Candidate Announcement News

Dear JAT Members, The 2019 JAT Election Committee would like to announce this year's candidates for Director. List of Candidates Click each name to view candidate details. Charles Aschmann / アッシュマン・チャールズ (理事) James Singleton / シングルトン・ジェームス (理事) Tony Atkinson / アトキンソン・トニー (理事) Clifford Bender / ベンダー・クリフ (理事) Takeshi Miyahara / 宮原健 (理事) Christopher Blakeslee / ブレイクスリー・クリストファー (理事) Naoko...


Now Accepting Proposals for IJET-31 News

Dear JAT Members, The JAT board is now accepting proposals for IJET-31, to be held in Japan in 2020. Organizing an IJET requires effort and cooperation, but is also very rewarding. You would have the full support of the JAT Board and of past IJET organizers as you take on this important endeavor. Prospective Organizing Committees are asked to submit written proposals as follows: Submit a...


Book Review. International Medical Writing: English for a Global Audience Blog

They say that good things come in small packages, and this 76-page book is an excellent illustration of that saying. Veteran Japanese-English translator and medical writer/educator Lee Seaman has teamed up with internationally renowned medical writer and communications consultant Tom Lang and three other collaborators to produce International Medical Writing: English for a Global Audience...


TAC Meeting Report: Tax Returns Made Easy and Tax Saving Strategies Blog

The May 18, 2019 Tokyo Activities Committee meeting held in Shibuya saw Steven Mayeda and Naotaka Midori of Tokyo Zeikei Tax Services give a comprehensive rundown of the basics of filing tax returns in Japan and outline a number of tax-saving strategies. The two-part presentation proceeded with each topic discussed in English, followed by a summary in Japanese. Some of the subjects covered by...


Conference Report: Japan SciCom Forum 2019 Blog

I recently attended the Japan SciCom Forum 2019, held at the Earth-Life Science Institute in the Ishikawadai area of the Ookayama campus of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Aimed at public information officers and other science communicators working in universities and similar institutions, the program was a diverse collection of keynote speeches, flash talks, and workshops. Kumi Kuroda from...


2019 JAT Elections: Call for Candidates [Registration Closed] News

************************************************************************* ** 22:00:00 JST, May 29 Candidacy Registration Period Closed ** ** Go to the Election Forum for candidate list, statements, and Q&A ** ************************************************************************* Fellow JAT members, JAT’s 2019 Election is about to begin, and we encourage you to take part—either by...


Brief Book Review: 日本語を翻訳するということ - 失われるもの、残るもの Blog

牧野成一 (Makino Seiichi): 日本語を翻訳するということ - 失われるもの、残るもの ISBN 978-4-12-102493-0 Published by 中公新書 (Chuko Shinsho), June 25, 2018 Price: 780 yen plus tax An intriguing and challenging interrogation of aspects of the Japanese language and translation by Seiichi Makino, Emeritus Professor of East Asian Studies and Emeritus Professor of Japanese and Linguistics at Princeton University. Perhaps better...


From the Archives: Points of Correspondence by Kenneth Jones (IJET-4, 1993) Blog

Points of Correspondence Kenneth Jones There are some obvious and other less obvious points of correspondence in bilingual dictionaries, and in this paper I would like to consider first one of the less obvious points and later some of the more obvious points of correspondence in the light of one recently published Japanese-English dictionary, The Kenkyūsha Japanese-English Learner’s...


Book Review: The Global English Style Guide Blog

We spend a lot of time talking about client education from the perspective of the translation and post-translation processes (e.g., editing, formatting, design, proofreading). The Global English Style Guide looks at the writing process for technical documentation before any translation takes place. It seeks to answer the following questions. How can we effectively use English to communicate...


【開催報告】TAC/JATPATENTセミナー:「米国特許法および最近の判例から学ぶ、クレーム・明細書ドラフティングおよび翻訳テクニック」 Blog

新年度最初で平成最後のTACセミナーでは、JATPATENTと共同で、ワシントン大学ロースクール・慶応大学ロースクール教授の竹中俊子先生をお招きして、「米国特許法および最近の判例から学ぶ、クレーム・明細書ドラフティングおよび翻訳テクニック」についてご講演いただきました。かなりボリュームのある資料をご準備いただき、3時間ずっと話し続けてくださった竹中先生に心より感謝申し上げます。 私たち翻訳者にとってはかなり難しい部分もあったのですが、セミナー中、随時質問を受けてくださり、また、講演後も個別に質問にお答えいただけたので、日頃の疑問を解消することができたのではないかと思います。 講演中、翻訳に関してたくさん質問が上がりました。いくつかご紹介します。 Q1. 講演の中で、「present invention」や「this...


From the Archives Blog

Flashback to IJET-2 Panel Discussion on English-Japanese Translation (英日翻訳市場の現状、品質管理、翻訳のためのツール、翻訳の将来) With just under ten weeks to go before IJET-30 in Cairns, this week we take a look back to IJET-2. The Second International Japanese-English Translation Conference was held in June 1991 in San Francisco. Many of the presentations were panel discussions, and we've chosen the report of a panel...


From the Archives Blog

Translators and the Editing Tightrope Dianne Kirk Translators with a few years’ experience, reasonable writing skills in their native language and perhaps some expertise in a particular subject area are often asked to carry out work which may be variously described as “editing,” “revising,” “proofreading,” “native check,” “QC,” etc. Ideally, this occurs after the translation has first been...


Fifteenth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators: Commentaries from the Judges News

Commentaries from the Judges (Japanese-to-English Division)   James Davis Ruth McCreery     Ken Wagner James Davis Suggestions for All Contestants Producing a good translation requires much more than language skill. The translator’s goal is to convey to the target-language reader the same meaning that the original writer conveys to the source-language reader. In order to produce a...