- Joining JAT
What are the benefits of joining JAT?
The Japan Association of Translators was established as a forum for translators and interpreters to share ideas and information. The Association’s global membership currently stands at around 800, of whom just over 400 are based in Japan. JAT hosts a range of events including special-interest group and regional get-togethers, IJET (the International Japanese-English Translation Conference), and PROJECT (the PROfessional Japanese-English Conference on Translation), in doing so providing a forum for translators and interpreters to share ideas and information and acquire skills and knowledge. Members are also able to share views and information online via the member-only Forums.
Members are entitled to discounts (of up to 50%) off fees charged for training sessions and workshops hosted by JAT. Recordings of some sessions are made available online with access restricted to members.
JAT also provides opportunities to acquire new clients via the “Find a Translator” section (JAT Directory) of the website, with the Job Board accepting posts by both members and non-members. Posted jobs are accessible to members only.
Who can join JAT?
As stated in JAT’s charter, any individual who is already a practising translator or has an interest in translation is eligible to join the Association. Companies and associations, on the other hand, are unable to become members of JAT, as the organization is strictly for individuals. Those companies interested in JAT are advised to have a member or members of their staff join on the company’s behalf. There is no restriction on the number of employees from a given company able to join.
How do I become a JAT member?
First go to Join JAT and sign up. An email will be sent to you to verify your email address. Follow the instructions to create your account, then login to visit your Account page and edit your profile. Upon payment of membership dues, you will receive an email confirming receipt. Then simply follow the instructions for subscribing to the various Forums (members only) in order to enjoy full membership benefits.
I am a former JAT member. How do I re-join?
Your username and password may still be in the system so there should be no need to create a new account in order to re-join JAT. Login to visit the Account page. Press the “Pay Dues Now!” and pay your dues. You will then be able to re-join JAT. Your membership is reinstated as of the day you receive an email confirming receipt of membership dues.
When I tried to sign up the system would not accept my email address or shows an error message saying that the screen name is not available.
If you were a JAT member in the past and are attempting to use the same email address or “screen name”, which is a combination of your Given Name, Family Name, and your Full Name in Japanese, it may already be on our system. If this is the case, simply log in using your old username and password and pay membership dues in order to reinstate your membership. If you have forgotten your password and/or username you can retrieve or reset them online.