610 results found.

通常総会開催のお知らせ News

JAT会員の皆様 特定非営利活動法人日本翻訳者協会 理事長 井隼眞奈子(Manako Ihaya) このたび2008年5月17日(土)13時30分より14時00分、フォーラム8(住所:渋谷区道玄坂2-10-7 電話番号:03-3780-0008)にて本協会の通常総会を開催することになりましたので、出席下さいますよう御案内申し上げます。 つきましては詳細をクリックしてごらんください。 宜しくお願いします。


Absentee Ballot Notice, 2008 AGM News


Absentee Ballot Form, 2008 AGM News


IJET survey News


May JAT Meeting: Post IJET & Annual General Meeting News

JAT's May meeting will be held on Saturday, May 17th, from 14:00pm to 17:00, followed by karaoke. Details follow. May Meeting: Post IJET & Annual General Meeting Date: Saturday, May 17, 2008 Time: 13:30 – 17:00 Meeting Place: Forum 8 Address: Dogenzaka 2-10-7, Shibuya, Tokyo Phone: 03-3780-0008 Cost: Free for JAT members, JPY1000 for non-members Speakers: Mayumi Toyota, Phil Robertson,...


Candidates for the 2008 JAT Elections News

The 2008 JAT Election Committee is pleased to announce the list of candidates standing for director or auditor in this year's elections. First of all, the committee would like to thank each candidate for stepping forward. Without your contribution, JAT cannot continue to function in its proper form. Also, if there are any persons who believe that they should be on the list(s), but are not,...


Winners: 4th Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators News

The winners of the 4th Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators have been announced, for both the Japanese to English and English to Japanese sections. Congratulations to all the finalists and winners, and thanks again to the contest organizers (Mike Sekine and Karen Sandness) and judges (Junko Ogawara, Emily Shibata-Sato, Yukari Ishihara, Malcolm James, Steven Venti, Ken Wagner,...


Special March Meeting: Tezuka Osamu, Astro Boy, and the Roots of Modern Manga and Anime News

In an illustrated presentation, Frederik L. Schodt will discuss how Tezuka Osamu created his most famous manga and anime character, and also created the template for the current global manga and anime revolution. The translator of the 23-volume Astro Boy manga, Fred will also comment on the process of localizing the Tetsuwan Atomu/Astro Boy manga, as well as the original anime. Date:...


March JAT Meeting: Japanese/English Business Correspondence & Pre-IJET Networking News

JAT's March meeting will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2008, from 2:00pm to 6:00pm, followed by karaoke. Details follow. Subject: Pre -IJET Networking - Japanese and English Business Correspondence for What If Situations and President's Reception Moderators: Kiyoko Sagane and Lisa Hew Date: Saturday, March 15, 2008 Time: 14:00 - 18:00 Meeting Place: Tanto Tanto Shibuya (restaurant), 8F of...


通訳翻訳ジャーナルでの連載開始 News

日本翻訳者協会は通訳翻訳ジャーナルとタッグを組んで、2008年春号(発売中!)から新しい連載企画をスタートしました。日本翻訳者協会としては久々の大プロジェクトであり、通訳翻訳ジャーナルではおそらく初となる英語記事の掲載ということもあり、今後も力を入れて頑張っていきたいと思います。 初回は特許翻訳者・ジェームス・フィリップスさんで、Thoughts and tips on becoming a patent translator (特許翻訳への道 成功するために)と題された記事です。特許翻訳におけるよくある質問に分かりやすく答える内容です。オリジナルの英文は5月に本サイトにおいて公開されます(次号発売後)が、本人訳の日本語版はこちらからご覧になれます。 次号はEmily Shibata-Sato(佐藤綾子)さんです。 通訳翻訳ウェブ


通訳翻訳ジャーナル 2008春 News


2008 JAT Election: Call for Candidates News

Fellow JAT members, The cold, dark nights of winter have passed, and spring is upon us. And that means ... JAT Elections! The JAT Election Committee is pleased to invite upstanding persons to run for either Director or Auditor. Do you have ideas of how JAT can be improved? Do you have a desire to help your fellow translator? Well then... This year there are FOUR director positions and TWO...


4th Annual Contest (English to Japanese results) News

Sorry, this page is only available in Japanese. 英日部門には19人の応募がありました。今期のコンテストは日本翻訳者協会ウェブサイトの移転などの影響もあり、やや広報不足の感がありましたが、応募して下さった皆様には心からお礼を申し上げます。 応募者の数が予想以下だったため、一次審査は行われず、応募者19人すべてが二次審査に進みました。その中から以下の6人が最終選考に残りました(敬称略)。 No.21 吉澤陶子(よしざわ とうこ) No.24 本橋智美(もとはし ともみ) No.29 栗原朋之(くりはら ともゆき) No.35 南佐洋子(みなみさ ひろこ) No.38 増井俊雅(ますい としまさ) No.61 添谷ラングあゆみ(そえや) さらに最終審査の結果、入賞者が次のように決定しました。 第1位 No....


4th Annual Contest (Japanese to English results) News

The judges of the 4th annual JAT translation contest for new and aspiring translators have made their final decision, and the results are as follows: The semi-finalists, in order of the numbers assigned to their entries, were: 33. Sarah Bull 39. Midori Nieft 51. Suzy Bates 52. Rossa O'Muireartaigh 62. Monica Farrell 64. Nathan Yeldell After much deliberation, the judges awarded prizes as...


Materials for Yai's February JAT presentation News


February JAT Meeting: Patent Translation Workshop News

The coming JAT meeting will be on February 16th, in which patent translator Yusaku Yai will hold a workshop on patent translation. As usual, we will hold a nijikai at a nearby izakaya from around 17:15. The next meeting will take place on Saturday, March 15th. We won't hold a Tokyo meeting in April, but hope to see many of you at IJET19 in Okinawa! Lisa Hew, Kiyoko Sagane, and Helen...


Video of January Meeting with Andrew Shuttleworth News

JAT videographer James Phillips has just posted the video of the January JAT meeting, at which Andrew Shuttleworth shared some tips and tricks for better translator efficiency. Here's a quick summary: Tens ways for translators to become more efficient. A detailed discussion is given of ways translators can use the Internet to become more efficient. This includes a detailed look at how to...


Finalists: 4th Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators News

The finalists for the 4th Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators have been announced, for both the Japanese to English and English to Japanese sections. Much thanks to our hard-working contest organizers and semifinal judges for making this happen. The final results will be announced (with love) on February 14th, so stay tuned!


4th Annual Contest (English to Japanese finalists) News

Finalists (English to Japanese) The following six entries (#21, #24, #29, #35, #38, and #61) have made it to the final round. Entry...


4th Annual Contest (Japanese to English finalists) News

Finalists (Japanese to English) The following six entries (#33, #39, #52, #53, #62, and #64) have made it to the final round. Entry 33 Chapter 3 Examples of anti-smoking measures and their effects (Summary) Chapter 3 discusses warning labels, anti-smoking advertising campaigns, the relationship between price and consumption, support and guidance in quitting smoking, health education, and...