The 2010 JAT election is over and the Election Committee is delighted to announce the successful candidates. The full breakdown of results has been made available for those interested.
Auditor (two-year term):
Frank Moorhead
Directors (two-year terms):
Catherine Nakamichi
Chris Blakeslee
Michael Hendry
Mark Stevenson
The 2010 JAT Election Committee is pleased to announce the list of candidates standing for director or auditor in this year's elections.
First of all, the committee would like to thank each candidate for stepping forward. Without your contributions, JAT cannot continue to function in its proper form.
Also, if there are any persons who believe that they should be on the list(s), but are not,...
Fellow JAT members,
The process for election of four JAT Board members and one auditor is ready to start! If you have some ideas for JAT and the willingness to devote time to working with Board members and other JAT members, take action! Stand for election! The only qualification you need is to have been a JAT member for the entire year preceding the deadline for candidacy statements...
Timothy Marrable
2 February 2010
Tim Marrable, a native English speaking veteran of the Japanese finance industry who is admitted to practice law in England and Wales took the initiative to found JATLAW early in 2010. This timely initiative tapped into a growing body of expertise in J-E legal translation, and provided a forum for those with formal training and experience in the field to share...
Now is a great time to join JAT. Register this week and you could save 10,000 yen – the equivalent of a year’s membership.
How do you save 10,000 yen? Well, as a JAT member, you receive a 5,000 yen discount on registration to the International Japanese English Translation (IJET) Conference from Saturday to Sunday, April 24 to 25 in Miyazaki. Register for IJET by Sunday, February 28 and you’re...
You can download Rick Weisburd's Presentation Editing (and/or Translating) Scientific Research Manuscripts for Meaning from the January 23, 2010 Tokyo meeting using the following link:
Fellow JAT members,
As you have just heard from our President, the 2010 election is
now underway. With JAT’s 25th anniversary this year and
the momentum the current Board has built up, it is an exciting
time for JAT. We hope that this translates into a hotly
contested election.
As mandated by JAT’s new bylaws, the Election Committee
consists of three people. This year, we are Wendy...
Sorry, this page is only available in Japanese.
英日部門には 37 人の応募がありました。応募して下さった皆様には心からお礼を申し上げます。厳正な審査の結果、以下の5人が最終選考に残りました(敬称略)。
No. 91 Naoko Kagiya
No.114 Fumiko Uchiyama
No.140 Ichiro Shirakawa
No.141 Kim Younghee
No.161 Yukiko Oda
第1位 No.140 Ichiro Shirakawa
第2位 No.141 Kim Younghee
The judges of the 6th annual JAT translation contest for new and aspiring translators (Japanese to English) have made their final decision, and the results are as follows:
There were 39 entrants and the semi-finalists in the Japanese to English division, in order of the numbers assigned to their entries, were:
99. Monica Kassab
108. Jillian Nonaka
120. Jason Morgan
123. Stephen Jensen
JATLAW is the legal chapter of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT). It was founded by experienced lawyer-linguists and legal translators in early 2010.
Although Japan’s need for expert legal translation is rising, it has been difficult for translators wishing to enter the field to find appropriate training without committing to postgraduate translation studies outside Japan.
Links to the source text and write-up from Helen Iwata’s translation workshop at PROJECT Osaka in November 2009, based on the October session of e-Juku are below. If you are interested in participating in e-Juku, please contact [email protected] with “e-Juku” in the subject line.
Helen Iwata E-Juku Source Text
PO Write-up from Helen Iwata
The JAT Board is delighted to announce that the venue for IJET-22 will be Seattle, Washington. This event will take place in 2011. Further details will be announced as they become available.
Seattle edged out a very strong bid from Monterey, California, and this reflects well on the willingness of far-flung JAT members to step forward and host JAT events. The Board would like to extend its...
Finalists (Japanese to English)
The following five entries (#99, #108, #120, #123, #162) have made it to the final round.
Entry 99
Section 2 Creating a Livable, Beautiful City of 42 Million
(5) Project for the Adaptation of the Community to an Aging Population
In order to deal with issues arising from a rapidly aging society, such as health care, social services and housing, we must...
There are five finalists for the Sixth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators (Japanese to English)
日本翻訳者協会と通訳翻訳ジャーナルの「~英語翻訳のプロたちが綴る~後進への招待状」連載企画ですが、2009年冬号(本日発売)にはBen Davisさんが How to Become Established as a Medical Translator という記事を寄稿しました。
次号(2月21日発売)はFred Ulemanさんが「意味中心の翻訳」についての記事を予定しています。