Time: 9:00 am – 4:15 pm

Location: Osaka City Central Public Hall

This year, we have a hands-on program that should prove useful to all biomedical and med/pharma translators regardless of where they are in their careers. The entire day will be interactive starting with a BYO CAT tools workshop with Ben Tompkins, followed by an updated version of an extremely useful session in translating “Fuzzy Verbs” with Dr. Daisuke Yanase. After a short lunch break, expect...

IJET-29 Osaka

Time: All day

Location: Osaka City Central Public Hall, Grand Front Osaka

Check out the IJET-29 website!

Japanese to English Translation Workshop with Kent State

Time: 1:00 am – 4:00 am

Location: Dublin, Ohio, USA

This ‘how to and why’ workshop is intended for Japanese-English translators at all stages of their career, from those still relatively new to the profession to experienced translators seeking fresh tips and insights. The first step to improvement is realizing our current strengths and weaknesses, but research shows that humans are poor at evaluating their own competence, and it is easy to fall...

Japanese to English Translation Workshop with Kent State

Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Dublin, Ohio, USA

This ‘how to and why’ workshop is intended for Japanese-English translators at all stages of their career, from those still relatively new to the profession to experienced translators seeking fresh tips and insights. The first step to improvement is realizing our current strengths and weaknesses, but research shows that humans are poor at evaluating their own competence, and it is easy to fall...

TAC Ask Anything Session

Time: 6:00 am – 9:00 am

Location: Seisen University, Building 1, 2F, Room # 124, 3-16-21 Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141-8642

Do you have questions you would like to ask about working in the translation industry? Or would you be willing to share your own experience and wisdom with your colleagues? If you are looking for a place to ask your questions and benefit from the collective wisdom of the JAT community, or if you would like to be part of the conversation, please register to attend our first ever Ask Anything...

TAC Ask Anything Session

Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Location: Seisen University, Building 1, 2F, Room # 124, 3-16-21 Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141-8642

Do you have questions you would like to ask about working in the translation industry? Or would you be willing to share your own experience and wisdom with your colleagues? If you are looking for a place to ask your questions and benefit from the collective wisdom of the JAT community, or if you would like to be part of the conversation, please register to attend our first ever Ask Anything...

West-Japan Medical English Workshop in Hiroshima

Time: 5:00 am – 9:35 am

JATPHARMA共催「第15回西日本医学英語勉強会」 第15回西日本医学英語勉強会をJATPHARMA(日本翻訳者協会製薬分科会)共催で開催いたします!5月5日、「フラワーフェスティバル」開催中の広島で英文ライティングと医療通訳を学んでみませんか。1セッションだけの受講も可能です。ライティングは医薬以外の分野の方にも役立つ内容です。JTFセミナーで大人気を博したBenさんによるライティングセミナーの続編と、前回満員御礼となったジュリア先生による医療通訳No.2として「くも膜下出血」を取り扱います。 【日時】2018年5月5日(土)13:00~17:35 【場所】合人社ウェンディひと・まちプラザ(広島市まちづくり市民交流プラザ) 研修室A 【アクセス】 【参加費用】 1)...

West-Japan Medical English Workshop in Hiroshima

Time: 1:00 pm – 5:35 pm

JATPHARMA共催「第15回西日本医学英語勉強会」 第15回西日本医学英語勉強会をJATPHARMA(日本翻訳者協会製薬分科会)共催で開催いたします!5月5日、「フラワーフェスティバル」開催中の広島で英文ライティングと医療通訳を学んでみませんか。1セッションだけの受講も可能です。ライティングは医薬以外の分野の方にも役立つ内容です。JTFセミナーで大人気を博したBenさんによるライティングセミナーの続編と、前回満員御礼となったジュリア先生による医療通訳No.2として「くも膜下出血」を取り扱います。 【日時】2018年5月5日(土)13:00~17:35 【場所】合人社ウェンディひと・まちプラザ(広島市まちづくり市民交流プラザ) 研修室A 【アクセス】 【参加費用】 1)...

TAC Seminar Looking for Othello: Kazumi Shimodate on Retelling a Classic of Shakespeare

Time: 6:00 am – 9:00 am

Location: Seisen University, Room#410 (Building No.4)

Speaker profile Kazumi Shimodate President and Artistic Director of The Shakespeare Company Japan, Professor of English and Drama at Tohoku Gakuin University Mr Kazumi Shimodate is the President and Artistic Director of The Shakespeare Company Japan, and also Professor of English and Drama at Tohoku Gakuin University (TGU) in Sendai, in north eastern Japan. He has been a member of the...

TAC Seminar Looking for Othello: Kazumi Shimodate on Retelling a Classic of Shakespeare

Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Location: Seisen University, Room#410 (Building No.4)

Speaker profile Kazumi Shimodate President and Artistic Director of The Shakespeare Company Japan, Professor of English and Drama at Tohoku Gakuin University Mr Kazumi Shimodate is the President and Artistic Director of The Shakespeare Company Japan, and also Professor of English and Drama at Tohoku Gakuin University (TGU) in Sendai, in north eastern Japan. He has been a member of the...