第1位 Ishida Mutsumi (J42)
第2位 Sawada Yukiko(J49)
ファイナリスト Riaki Poništ(J4) 福田りつ子 (J18) Shibano Ayako (J21)
Thank you very much for your great interest in eJuku.
We have received more than enough applications for this eJuku, and are closing the Call.
We are pleased to announce that we are holding our next eJuku session as indicated below. For general information on eJuku visit our webpage What is e-Juku?
日本翻訳者協会(Japan Association of Translators、略称JAT)はこの度、第14回JAT新人翻訳者コンテストを開催いたします。
Thank you very much for your great interest in eJuku.
We received by far more applications for eJuku participation
than we can possibly accommodate.
We are pleased to announce that we are holding our next eJuku session as indicated below. For general information on eJuku visit our webpage What is e-Juku?.