621 results found.

From the Archives Blog

On Translating Someone Else's (Emotional) Landscape I grew up reading all sorts of books that had been translated into Japanese without really thinking what they would be like in their original languages. When I started to learn English in middle school, I was excited to discover “another means” by which to express my thoughts. Having declared at the tender age of 11 that I would be a novelist...


「技術翻訳 奥義と裏技」シリーズ1: 翻訳とは、無生物主語構文 Members in Print


新理事長よりご挨拶 / Message from President News

(In Japanese only) 会員の皆様、 2017年6月24日の通常総会にて理事長に選任されました丸岡 英明です。通常総会の開催にあたっては、会員および講演者の皆様に多大なご協力を頂きまして誠にありがとうございました。おかげさまで、基調講演・パネルディスカッションには130名もの方々にお集まりいただき、通常総会では全ての議案が可決されました。 2017~2018年の新理事会のメンバー・構成については、こちら( https://jat.org/about/jat_organization...


Motions and Documentation for 2017 Ordinary Meeting News

Motions and Documentation for 2017 Ordinary Meeting To: All Japan Association of Translators (JAT) Members I would like to invite you to the Japan Association of Translators' Ordinary General Meeting to be held on June 24, 2017 at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center in Yoyogi, Tokyo. Date and time of OGM: Saturday, June 24, 2017, 15:45-16:30 Place of OGM: International Conference...


2017 JAT Election Results News

Fellow JAT members, We are pleased to announce the results of the 2017 JAT election. A big thank you to this year’s candidates and to everyone who voted. Congratulations and best of luck in the coming two years to the elected Directors and Auditor, who are to be approved by the membership at the OGM. WINNING CANDIDATES: Auditor (2-year term) Naoko Selland Directors (2-year...


Message from the speaker Ryo Morisawa on May 27 TAC Seminar Blog

Concerning the May 27th TAC Seminar, How to Use Japanese Punctuation Marks: Understanding the "Totens of Thoughts" from Honda Dokuhon, the speaker made a blog post to tell us his appreciations and more thoughts; http://1311racco.blog75.fc2.com/blog-entry-3413.html


JAT Election Voting Announcement 2017 News

The 2017 JAT Board Election will officially start from June 4, 2017 (0:00:00 JST). Please take the time to vote and choose those who will help run JAT for the next two years. This year we have 6 people running for director to fill 7 possible openings, and 1 person running to fill 1 auditor opening. Please use the following link to cast your vote. (You need to login as a member.) Election...


2017 JAT Election: Candidate announcement News

Dear JAT members, The 2017 JAT Election Committee would like to announce this year's candidates for Director. Clifford Bender (director) Phil Robertson (director) Tony Atkinson (director) Charles Aschmann (director) James Singleton (director) Chris Blakeslee (director) Naoko Selland (auditor) Firstly, we would like to express our thanks to the candidates and their endorsers. If...


Announcement of 2017 Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of the Japan Association of Translators News

To: All Japan Association of Translators (JAT) Members You are invited to the Japan Association of Translators’ Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) to be held in Tokyo, Japan, at 15:45 on June 24, 2017. Proposed motions and supporting documentation will be available for your review on the JAT website beginning on June 13, 2017. Agenda 1. FY 2016 Business report 2. FY 2016 Financial...


2017 JAT election reminder #1 News

Only four days remain to register/declare candidacy in the 2017 JAT election! Still mulling over whether you want to run or not? Maybe this will help… !!!Q&A!!! 1. Can candidates endorse each other? YES! 2. How many Board meetings are held each year? In general, there are two face-to-face meetings, one in the spring/early summer (often held in connection with IJET) and one in the...


Call for JAT Board Candidates 役員候補者募集 News

Fellow JAT members, JAT会員の皆様 As you recently heard from Ben Tompkins, our illustrious president, JAT’s 2017 Election is about to begin. To review how many positions are open, who is up for re-election, etc., please take a look at the initial announcement https://jat.org/forums/viewthread/286/ (must log in). In a nutshell, we can elect up to 7 directors and 1 auditor in this year’s...


2017 Board Election Announcement News

Fellow JAT members, The 2017 JAT election is drawing near. Announcements concerning the election will be sent by send-only e-mail, like this message, and clicking the reply to button will not work. Please direct any queries to [email protected]. 1. Election Committee The Election Committee has at least three members, as mandated by the JAT Bylaws. This year, the committee comprises Marian...


Call closed for Spring 2017 eJuku News

Thank you very much for your great interest in eJuku. We received by far more applications for eJuku participation than we can possibly accommodate within a few days of the official announcement. The Call is closed. We will soon be starting our screening process, which will be completed by April 28. All applicants will be notified of the screening result by private email. Shuichi Yamakawa...


Announcing JAT Spring 2017 J>E eJuku News

We are pleased to announce that we are holding our next eJuku session as indicated below. For general information on eJuku visit our webpage What is e-Juku?. - Description: Spring 2017 J>E eJuku session - Language direction: Japanese to English - Format: online forum discussion and videoconferencing - Period: mid-April through end of May 2017 (see below for details) - Fees: no fees -...


State of JAT – March 2017 Blog

Greetings! I’m writing to tell you what the Japan Association of Translators has accomplished over the past 12 months as we approach the end of JAT’s and Japan’s fiscal year on March 31, 2017. JAT membership hovers at about 800. Half of JAT’s members live in Japan, and the rest are scattered across the globe. You can find most members in the JAT directory at https://jat.org/translators and...


Spring 2017 eJuku J>E Session News

Spring 2017 eJuku J>E session is in the works as described below. If you are interested in participating, please wait for the official announcement and Call for Participation, which will be made available in early April. If you have any questions, please send an email to the e-Juku Committee. A. Tentative schedule: Early April: The session officially announced. Call for Participants...


Thirteenth Annual JAT Contest for New and Aspiring Translators: Commentaries from the Judges News

Commentaries from the Judges (Japanese-to-English Division)                                     James Davis    Ruth McCreery     Ken Wagner James Davis General Comments This year’s passage dealt with ransomware, a form of malware that is receiving more attention in the media these days. The content was not particularly difficult, but in order to produce a very good translation it was...


Thirteenth Annual JAT Contest: Translation of Award Winners and Finalists News

Translation of award-winners and finalists (Japanese-to-English Contest) Japanese to English Contest 1st place:Emily Taylor (E23) 2nd place:Ming Tam (E32) Finalists:Ellen Huntley (E20) Chelsea Inaba(E30) Dylan Reilly(E33) The source text is here Finalist Ellen Huntley (E20) Victims of “Ransomware” Around the World There is a new type of computer virus menacing people around the world....


TAC Tour of Printing Museum (in Japanese) Blog


Columbus, best city in world? Come see for yourself! Blog

Have you heard?! Columbus ranks as Best City in the World! "It has the best library in the country, the best zoo in the country, the best science center in America, and America’s largest University. This may have led it to being known as the one of the 7 Smartest Cities in the World." While in Ohio, why not rent a car and visit Amish Country in Holmes County, less than two hours north of...