Past Events
[PROJECT 2022] Angloabstraction of Japanese Medical Literature
Time: 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
Angloabstraction of Japanese Medical Literature: Translators on the Trail of a Goatkiller
Session overview
Have you ever seen a quarter-page English abstract buried amidst pages of kanji and kana in a Japanese journal article? Such abstracts may seem easy to dismiss, but the purpose of this talk is to convince that you that they are gateway to narratives in medical literature, and the challenge...
[PROJECT 2022] Enter the Translator's Lair: An Introduction to a Home Office Space and the Tools Used Inside
Time: 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
Enter the Translator's Lair: An Introduction to a Home Office Space and the Tools Used Inside
Session OverviewThe life of a translator can be a solitary one at times, but that doesn't mean that you have to suffer in solitude either. Our profession is one that has been perfecting the art of working from home for quite some time, and the options available can make for quite a comfortable...
[PROJECT 2022] 遠隔通訳の現状と注意点
Time: 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
遠隔通訳の現状(Zoom, Teams, スマホ)と注意点
Session Overview0.自己紹介1. 遠隔通訳とは、RSIとはRCIとは、RSIプラットフォームとは2. 遠隔通訳の需要現況、遠隔通訳の動向3. 準備する機器、パソコン、タブレット、スマホ、その他の持っておくと便利な機器4. 事前のクライアント、エージェント、パートナーとの確認事項5. 交代方法とオンラインタイマー/ストップウォッチ6. 当日の確認事項7. 交代についての注意点とおよび通訳中のコミュニケーション 8. 実際に起きたトラブルのご紹介と対処方法
Speaker Profile古賀朋子...
[PROJECT 2022] Jumping Off a Cliff
Time: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Online Zoom
Jumping Off a Cliff
Session OverviewAn outline about what to do and think about to start freelancing. This presentation will provide some general nuts and bolts about getting started as a freelancer and practical business advice. It will also touch on renewing a work visa and applying for permanent residency as a freelancer.
Speaker ProfileA born and bred Canadian, Lisa has been in Japan for...
[PROJECT 2022] How to structure your career path - Interpreting
Time: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
How to structure your career path - Interpreting
Session Overview基本的な通訳スキル(逐次、同時、ウィスパ)を習得後、通訳市場でどうキャリアを構築するかを考えていきます。私自身の通訳キャリアは必ずしも事前に計画したものではありませんでした。通訳とは無関係の異業種(IT業界・SE)出身の通訳者として、自身の好奇心、技能レベルや経験、生活とのバランス、仕事の満足度、そして収入安定性などを見直しながら、様々な雇用形態を経て現在フリーランス通訳者として活動する自身の考えを紹介します。時間が許せば、私自身が考えるコロナ禍がもたらしたリスクとチャンスも紹介したいと思います。
Speaker Profile宮原...
[PROJECT 2022] 特許翻訳のトライアルを受けるときに知っておきたいTips
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
Session overview
Speaker profile
西村 英人氏 (IPプレミア知財事務所 代表弁理士・翻訳者)...
[PROJECT 2022] Incorporation: Setting Up a Company in Japan
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
Incorporation: Setting Up a Company in Japan
Session OverviewAn outline about the steps required to incorporate in Japan. This presentation will provide some general nuts and bolts about setting up a company and practical business advice.
Speaker ProfileA born and bred Canadian, Lisa has been in Japan for more than 25 years, starting as a student at Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin and Sophia University,...
[PROJECT 2022] Books I Translated
Time: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
Books I Translated
Session OverviewJATBOOK members will talk about the books they translated. (Speakers might be changed due to their schedules.) The webinar will be in Japanese and will not be recorded.
UPDATE 4.20.2022: The panelists are collecting questions in advance via the following survey. Please take a look.Project 2022: JATBOOK事前アンケートSpeaker ProfilesYamamoto Maasa
[PROJECT 2022] のぞいてみよう!ゲームローカライズ舞台裏
Time: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
Global PROJECT 2022: Things I wished I had known starting out
Time: 9:00 am – 11:59 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
PROfessional Japanese-English Conferences on Translation (PROJECTs) are JAT’s one-day conferences that cover various aspects of translation and the translation business. We hope you will join us for Global PROJECT 2022: Things I wished I had known starting out.
This is an online conference in which JAT members, professionals and students of T&I from around the world are invited to learn...